[Event] Train Jam down to Africa Games Week?
26 NOV – 1 DEC
A MAZE as well as other (many) game events are going to happen during this time in Cape Town, and since we'd been talking about it for like ever, is there any interest in doing a train jam down from Joburg to CT?
Is it feasible? Who has experience and/or has looked into the logistics of the Shosholoza Meyl train? I've had one experience of a friend coming from CT via it and it was late by 5 hours, which is not a problem really, but more asking about plugs and safety.
Who's keen for an adventure? :)
A MAZE as well as other (many) game events are going to happen during this time in Cape Town, and since we'd been talking about it for like ever, is there any interest in doing a train jam down from Joburg to CT?
Is it feasible? Who has experience and/or has looked into the logistics of the Shosholoza Meyl train? I've had one experience of a friend coming from CT via it and it was late by 5 hours, which is not a problem really, but more asking about plugs and safety.
Who's keen for an adventure? :)
What we have done successfully the last 2 years is a road trip. One year was from CT->Joburg and last year we did the other direction. You'd rent a vehicle or few (there are some things to look out for here like unlimited mileage and such), then drive across the country and stay at small towns and places. It gives you more flexibility to explore and stuff, but ofc it's not as easy to organise as a train trip where you can just hop on and hop off. Possibly cheaper though?
There are also pros and cons to doing it before or after the events - something else to think about :)
At the same time, we didn't make anything during the trip. It was just a nice time hanging out, but travelling in a car isn't conducive to making games (while trains are better although not perfect).
Since that last train trip fell through I've heard that there are trains that have power. It might be more of a standard thing now.
Thorsten is keen for a train jam to happen and he's talking to the Goethe institute. That might not pan out though.
I'm personally tempted to fly to Joburg to travel down on a train... though I'm worried I'll be tied up in helping with the events this side and won't have the time.
Thorsten and I have been contacting the train people and there's a possibility of a train jam happening for real, where we hire out an entire section of the train down. Nothing 100% confirmed yet but it's possible, hold thumbs.
Please indicate your interest here if you might just want to join the train jam :)
I've heard it's a good trip other than long, and potentially random if you're sharing cabin with a random. Cabins are 2 and 4 sleeper...