[Event] CT Meetup - 27th June

Anyone may contribute to this free monthly event - just comment beneath to let us know! This is for anyone and everyone interested in making games of any shape, size or type. Come join us!

When: 18:30 until around 21:30, Last Wednesday of the month ( June 27th)
Where: Bandwidth Barn - 68 Albert Rd, Woodstock, Cape Town, 7925

If you have a demo you want to be played, bring a station on which people can play it, and set it up before the meetup begins!

- 6:30 - 7:00 - Meet and greet
- Rapid fire intros (10 min)
- Community News (5 min)

Talks - 2 x 20 min slots:
-10 Things Every Game Needs, Part 2 with @Rigormortis
- shader Show & Tell, bring your own (Please coordinate with us, though, contact @damousey)

Focused Feedback - 2 x 10 min slots

Open Demo Floor
The event page on FB-


  • Is there anyone living in or around Strand area going?
  • Is there anyone living in or around Strand area going?
    Based on a conversation from last month I know both @Rigormortis and Daniel are not far. Otherwise, @Pieterator, are you coming through?
    Thanked by 1The_Sired_Ward
  • @damousey unfortunately I'm no longer out that ways.
  • I would love to attend. sign me up!
    Thanked by 1francoisvn
  • I would love a focused feedback slot to show Witches & Liches and get some feedback. I might put out a build beforehand, but chances are good that you'll have to come to the meetup to check it out :)

    Here's an early mockup to whet the appetite ;)
  • I'll be there, put me on the guest list: it's lem. Best game designer the world has ever seen
  • looking forward
  • I would love a focused feedback slot to show Witches & Liches and get some feedback. I might put out a build beforehand, but chances are good that you'll have to come to the meetup to check it out :)

    Here's an early mockup to whet the appetite ;)
    Very cool design!
  • Question: How do we actually get into the Bandwidth Barn once we've found the door in the basement in the Woodstock Exchange?

    The last few times i've attended i've relied on kind strangers and friends who were going in anyway, or snuck in through the door when someone was leaving. The instructions by the door aren't clear how to actually dial The Bandwidth Barn and be let in legitimately.
  • on the keypad dial 300, that will ring the guard who will let you in. They have also moved the security station downstairs, so there should be someone there now to let you in
  • @The_Sired_Ward @damousey Unfortunately I will not be coming through for the meetup. Much sadness :(
    Will definitely keep it in mind for next month's meetup.
  • The dialling doesn't always work - sometimes they forget to switch on the phone upstairs, sometimes there's no one official to answer it, ... - but the guard station downstairs does seem to be working. Sometimes they're in the BWB's hot desk area on the right and not at the door, though, so you have to shout if you're coming from the back entrance and are stuck outside at the safety gate.

    @damousey I was intending to be there tonight but it now looks like I will be pulling a long day at work and won't get there in time.
  • Wanted to make it for this but had pre-existing plans.

    Tag me when July's meetup is posted!
  • @NickWiggill: the next CT meetup will be 25 July. The thread and event should go up soon, but you can already mark your calendar. In fact, you can mark you calendar for the foreseeable future: it's the last Wednesday of the month (excluding December).
    Thanked by 1NickWiggill
  • @francoisvn: Only just got this, a few hours too late, but on a deadline anyway so wouldn't have been possible. Next time!
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