[Event] Johannesburg Community Evening - 12 June 2018

edited in Events
This event happens monthly, is free to attend and anyone may speak at the meetup - just comment in the thread below to let us know!

Test games! Talk games! Make games!

When: 18:30 until around 21:30, Tuesday 8 May
Where: Microsoft Campus Bryanston, 3012 William Nicol Drive, Bryanston, Johannesburg. Auditorium 3

- 6:00 - 7:00 Grab food elsewhere + bonding time (Microsoft serves food at 6pm and it generally goes quite fast.)
- Introductions
- Community News (5 min)


- @4t0m1c - VR: hypes and hiccups (15 min)

- @Karuji - State of the Meetup, and where to next (15 min)

- Demo Slot 1 (10 min)

- Demo Slot 2 (10 min)
- Playtest Pitchathon (if you're playtesting a game, we ask that you give a 30 second pitch to the room about what the game is, before we all break off and play things).

Bring your games and set them up inside the auditorium before and after the meetup!

Board game prototypes can and will be played so bring along your prototypes!

If you intend to attend, please indicate so on the Facebook event (Not mandatory, so don't worry if you don't have/use Facebook)


If you are interested in giving a talk or demo for a meetup, drop a reply in the thread with what you'd like to do or send me a PM :)


  • Hi @Karuji, we'd like to demo 2 of our VR games. We'll bring along a rig and Vive setup.
    Thanked by 2mattbenic Karuji
  • @4t0m1c consider demoing at the VR meetup as well. There is a vive already set up: http://makegamessa.com/discussion/5312/jozi-vr-meetup-2-19-jun
  • @4t0m1c bringing along a rig sounds great ^_^

    We've never done a VR demo during the meetup prime. If you want to to demo during the slots I'm up for giving it a try! But we'd need to get things setup early so we can make sure that everything is working with the projector.
    Thanked by 1mattbenic
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    Do we have to bring out own computers to show a game? (I only have a motorcycle)
    Additionally, I don't have a VR game, but a regular desktop puzzlegame. Would that be fine?
  • Do we have to bring out own computers to show a game? (I only have a motorcycle)
    Additionally, I don't have a VR game, but a regular desktop puzzlegame. Would that be fine?
    Own computer preferable, though I'm sure if you come earlier someone can lend you a machine to show, though that means if they need it for other stuff you'll be sharing time, which is never ideal.

    VR games are really out of the ordinary, most people show desktop prototypes on their laptop. So yes of course that'd be fine :)
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    We're not in the regular room today, they're having an event there, so we've been moved to CONFERENCE CENTRE 4 for tonight - should be to the left as you enter the MS office.

    Also Julian is down with the sickness so I'll be running the meetup tonight.
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