[Event] Star Con - Durban (25th November 2017)...

edited in Events
My company is hosting Star Con as a way to test the water for a new Graduate Trainee program that a colleague and I are heading up called Star Labs. We have managed to secure Matt from Rogue Code to come and showcase V.A.L.A. and hopefuly Gareth from Rogue Moon Studios will also be there with System Crash ... please join us.


Venue: Hollywood Bets, 6 Tetford Circle, Somerset Park, Umhlanga, Durban.
Date: 25th November 2017
Time: 10:00
Entrance Fee: FREE - Hollywood Bets is subsidising all entry fees,

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/283501972139091/

We have also secured Orena to run a Durban leg of the Streetfighter 5 competition: Watch Video

StarCon is a tech fest created and presented by Betting Entertainment Technologies and Star Labs. The event is hosted by Hollywoodbets, aimed at Techies from Durban and beyond.

The fest offers a range of events, from informative and interactive Tech Talks to the quick-thinking Code Punchout, allowing attendees to up-skill and stay current with development and technology trends. Come chat with us about the Durban dev scene over a craft beer!

I hope that those of you in Durban can join us ... we are also going to have 3 Occulus Rift stations running as well as retro arcade machines ... bring your friends and family.
815 x 315 - 69K


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