RetroGunX - A South African VR Game Now On Steam!

Hey guys!

I recently released my game, RetroGunX, on the Steam Store on Early Access, and I would love to hear any comments, suggestions or opinions you may have on it! It's a VR wave shooter that currently supports the HTC Vive, though Oculus and mobile VR support will follow. It's been a great experience to work on this project over the last 2 years on and off, but sadly I've run out of funds to market it. If you do know of someone that might like it, I would be really grateful if you could let them know about it.

I'm happy to share a few keys with you guys, if you could please write a short review on Steam for me in exchange. I'm not asking you to write positive reviews if you don't like it. Just an honest review, if you have a moment. If you want a free Steam key, just send me your details through my contact form page on the RetroGunX website, and simply ask for a free key in the message. I'll get one to you ASAP! Of course, please do be critical about it and let me know of any issues you experience, if any.

RetroGun X:
Miss playing those 8-bit, button-bashing, classic arcade-style cabinet and cartridge games from the 70s and 80s? Ever wanted to experience the intense action from the point of view of the hero within the game? Now you can, in VIRTUAL REALITY!

Steam Store Link :
Website Link :
Youtube Channel :

Here's some in-game screenshots:


I'm currently working from home, but will hopefully get some office space sometime in the future, at which point you guys would be welcome to try it out on my system :)

Thank you, and cheers,

616 x 353 - 29K
1280 x 720 - 92K
1280 x 720 - 94K
1280 x 720 - 68K
1280 x 720 - 120K


  • nice. new and old in one box. looking forward to how this title does. I dont know anything about VR , but this looks interesting. good job.
    Thanked by 1AppsByBrats
  • Hey, this looks cool (don't have a VR headset unfortunately).

    I do have a general VR question though. Do players not get confused about where they are aiming? As far as I can tell in your video, there is no sort of "end point" or laser pointer for where the gun is aiming. So do you need to fire and see where the bullets go? How is this handled in other shooters?
    Thanked by 1AppsByBrats
  • Hey Roguecode,

    VR is such a cool experience, and difficult to explain. Players don't get confused at all. It's actually very intuitive, in that it's the same way you would hold and aim a real weapon. Basically, you simply hold your hand in front of your face and look along the sights of the gun to aim :) The hands are actually mapped, and move in realtime to the controllers position and rotation. You can actually fire a machine gun to your left even if the weapon cannot be seen at all in your view, while you snipe enemies while looking over your right shoulder with your right hand. It's unfortunately something you would have to experience to believe ;)
    Thanked by 1roguecode
  • This looks really cool! Would be very stoked to get my hands on it!

    Best of luck going forward - keep us posted on how things go!
    Thanked by 1AppsByBrats
  • Hey BenJets,

    Thank you! Do you have an HTC Vive? I'll happily send you a free Steam Key if you do ;)

    Will definitely keep this thread updated!
    Thanked by 1BenJets
  • Ah, thanks heaps for the offer! I sadly don't have a Vive, but will totally pass on the news of this game to friends who do!
    Thanked by 1AppsByBrats
  • Thanks BenJets! Much appreciated ;)
  • Also don't own a vive, but am amped that VR stuff is getting made :) Best of luck!!
    Thanked by 1AppsByBrats
  • Thanks so much Tuism!
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