Looking for Augmented and Virtual reality developer freelancer

Hi Guys,

My name is Baso from company called Sisanda. We develop education AR/VR apps, we currently in the prototyping phase for our new app called Si Realities. We are looking for freelancers with a potential join our team as we grow, the freelancer must have experience in creating AR and VR content using Unity3D. We are based in Johannesburg, freelancers could come from anywhere.

If you are interested lets have a chat.


  • Hello I would like more information on this project?
    I create VR environments and know a bit about this and work with it.
    can you tell me more?
  • Hi Tredx,

    Thank you for replying, Si realities is digital science lab that allows the learners to perform Science experiment with out the need of the kit. It uses Augmented Reality to place apparatus in front of the learner. Our aim is to give every learn an opportunity to perform experiments like a real scientist.

    We use Unity and Wikitude to develop the app. let me if you interested to collab with me
  • Hi, have you found someone yet? I do this :)

    Company: Maple Seed (PTY) Ltd

    Are we allowed links on here?
  • Hi, have you found someone yet? I do this :)

    Company: Maple Seed (PTY) Ltd

    Are we allowed links on here?
    Yes you can post links.

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