Need some help with my portfolio please :)
in Portfolios
Hi guys! Please wont you have a look at my Art station. I just want to know if you guys think there is something on there that is hurting my portfolio right now. possibly some of my old stuff? let me know and thank you for your time!
Thanked by 1Elyaradine
/asshole off
The full scenes are excellent, keep it up.
The muddy ground isn't as successful as the others I think. The individual layers look good to me (not an environment artist though), but the blending between them looks very soft, and makes it look like grass just somehow become mud, instead of grass first growing between cracks or in otherwise more purposeful areas.
I think the apocalyptic scene is by far the weakest, mainly because the lighting seems very unfocused. There's no colour in the skybox, the light direction is ambiguous, and (as a result) it's very difficult to read what's going on, where the player's supposed to be going, or what any focal points are. I think it's got potential for keeping, but the lighting would have to be much better designed imo.
The thing I typically look for in environment work, aside from general art quality, is storytelling (not just what happened, but how the scene guides me around with visual cues, lighting, texture work/decals), the mood it's trying to create, and whether I can imagine people wanting to pay money to see this. And, for game work, whether they show any understanding of optimization (e.g. sharing materials, modular pieces, efficient use of geo, screencaps from a game engine, game engine materials, game engine lighting, packed textures).
The Resident Evil scene looks super awesome!
Great work dude!
Who/what sort of work are you trying to tailor your portfolio to?
The resident evil one is obviously my latest work and shows my growth from that point which is why it looks so much better. Glad you like it! I think right now my work is missing organic shapes and forms but I'm currently learning more about it and planning to implement it into my work very soon.
My life goal is to be an environment artist for AAA studio so I won't stop until I get there, and even then there will always be so much to learn. What I'm incredibly passionate about is foliage. That's like my ultimate, which is also the reason why I haven't made a big scene focused on that because I feel I need to do it justice as it has a special place in my heart.