My Graphic and Game Design Portfolio
Check it out and contact me if you're interested in my work.
Email :
Cell: 0799695147
Check it out and contact me if you're interested in my work.
Email :
Cell: 0799695147
I read through your CV, and I don't think it's doing a good job of representing the best parts about you. I feel like it says far too much, and ends up revealing some potential ignorance, rather than keeping things simple. A large amount of your descriptions look like they've been copy-pasted right out of a school's marketing material (where flowery marketing words may or may not belong), rather than in something that's used for a job application. Not even the specialists I work with claim to "know everything they need to know" about anything. If anything, we tell each other about how little we know and how much there always is to learn!
It's okay for your CV to be quite short, especially as someone who doesn't have a lot of experience yet. If you're going to "borrow" copy, then grab the structure and brevity of someone else's professional CV instead of a school's marketing brochure. 1 page is ideal, 2 pages if you're very experienced and have a crapload of projects and work experience to list.
A couple of examples where brevity would serve you better:
- "Creating 3D Models at high quality." -- If your work is of a high quality, people will see it in your portfolio, so you gain nothing by saying it is of high quality. If your work isn't of a high quality, and you say it is, then it's a huge negative, because it tells me that you don't know what "high quality" actually looks like. This means that if I do want my game to be of a high quality, I can't actually trust you to deliver and will likely have to micro-manage you. Conclusion: no matter how good your work is, you shouldn't say that in your CV, because at best it's neutral, and at worst it's harmful. (Obviously if you've worked on projects that have won awards, you'd include that, but then you're letting the award imply that you're good, and not stating so yourself.)
- "Amateur with C++, but do know the basics as it’s similar to JavaScript." This would probably make a programmer laugh. Which isn't really the goal here. :P
- "The academy prepares you for work in the industry and therefore teaches you everything you need to know" -- This simply isn't true.
The things you've listed under "Accomplishments" are actually just part of your Education, so you could combine the two and shorten it further.It's great that you've got your contact details up first and prominent. After that, you might (optionally) write a short paragraph (literally a couple of sentences) about what your objective is. (Actually, your third paragraph there might work well with some tweaks!) Then you list work experience (what you've got is fine) and education.
Under skills, I'd shorten it a whole lot. It'd be something like: As brief as that, and not saying anything about how good or bad you are at things, but only what you do have experience in. Ideally your portfolio would then show how good you really are at these skills.
Of course, your portfolio is by far the most important thing to work on. But if your portfolio isn't great (and few game art student portfolios are), a good CV is a relatively small amount of work (an evening of work maybe, compared to the weeks or months it takes to create a new body of portfolio work), and combined with a decent interview could at least get some kind of internship. I hope that that helps you!
That's a nice and thorough comment. I've been doing CV's for almost 10 years now and your comment just changed the way I look at them :)
I hope the OP takes this note.
(By the way, I am focused on 3D modeling, animation, and the more graphic design aspects as well.)