[Event] AMAZE - Germany
Amaze is happening again (first in Germany, which we will be focusing on for a while), the game submission window is tight though (from our side). If you have a really cool game that you would like to show at Amaze in Germany let us know here in this thread, the organisers have asked for 5 or so games from South Africa to show.
It will be taking place somewhere around the 24th to the 26th of April.
Give us a link to the playable game if possible (plus any other awesome material to help find that your game is the most awesome game to send).
Please submit your BEFORE 20th Feb
Also, depending on how things pan out there might be trips to Germany involved if we can get submissions done in time and organise with the people that made the games.
Edit: updated info
It will be taking place somewhere around the 24th to the 26th of April.
Give us a link to the playable game if possible (plus any other awesome material to help find that your game is the most awesome game to send).
Please submit your BEFORE 20th Feb
Also, depending on how things pan out there might be trips to Germany involved if we can get submissions done in time and organise with the people that made the games.
Edit: updated info
I'd love if we could somehow play it on the projector next time. :)
I will be posting my official link for the zX demo to the forum before midnight tonight, busy fixing some elements before I post. Good luck to everyone who submitted.
I'd like to submit Broforce.
And also Strange Happenings on Murder Island.
And also Bass Cannon... assuming we improve upon it a bit, which I am looking forward to doing... as it stands I wouldn't want it shown at A MAZE. But I do believe it'd be a fun and engrossing show floor piece with just a little work.
I still intend to:
- Add sound and 4 player gamepad support
- Redesign the GUI/HUD
- Improve AI path-finding/behavior.
I guess there's no harm in submitting whats there though. I'm still trying to figure out where to go with the game loop.
The link is on the page, including a link to the Steam Greenlight page and screenshots. Still gonna do some tweaking and adding Nick's beautiful music to the game, but here is a stable, playable demo of the games current state.
I guess there's no harm in submitting whats there though. I'm still trying to figure out where to go with the game loop.[/quote]
And sound effects plz! Maz's music is feeling lonely. Let me know if you need help from our sound libraries.
Edit: Oops, I see now that the discussion was about the game jam game :/
Download it here http://globalgamejam.org/2013/apoptosis and play!!!
We might also get some input from Thorsten about the selection, obviously we want to select games that fit into the A MAZE festival's message.
@Apoptosis I think your post here is fine for the selection thing. It might be nice to make a thread about Apoptosis if you want to get feedback from some of the users here and post updates etc.
How is the judging process going? When are the announcements being made?
For an update for everyone, we've narrowed the list to 6 or 7 entries we'd like to submit from which we must select 5. Our next step is probably reaching out to the developers about their ability to polish their game before we make our final selection.
Book Of Blood is a survival shooter set in the twisted mind of a bored, sadistic school kid. You play the role of a hero trying to survive the demons that this kid doodles, in his note books. The original thread is here: http://makegamessa.com/discussion/200/book-of-blood. The demo link no longer works because I purposefully took it down for marketing related reasons. It is important to note that the game has some procedurally generated aspects. Consult the abovementioned original thread.
1. Nobody knows about your game. Even when it's been released, nobody knows about your game. No, you're not talking about it too much. Do not sabotage your game further by refusing to create discussion about it.
2. Obscurity/rarity doesn't work. The media will not give a shit about a game that doesn't have any mentions anywhere, they, like everyone else, have to hear about a game at least 5 times before they'll go "Okay, I've heard of this, I wonder what the hell it's all about" and play the game. Even the games that you think successfully employed this strategy weren't obscure - they had designers that were famous. No obscurity/rarity there.
3. You're killing your game early by preventing useful feedback. Actual players will ALWAYS do something that breaks your game code or your game design. By not putting the game in front of players, you're hamstringing your ability to design cool shit. And sometimes, the best thing playtesting can give you is the perspective to realise that you should stop working on a prototype that doesn't have legs.
Well I appreciate your concern and feedback, the game's thread was around for ages. I have received lot's of useful feedback when we were using the email system before MGSA forums and the many times I've presented at JHB meets. But don't worry I'll put up the link again later this evening and you shall see why I didn't want too... Cool
You guys can all play the latest demo of Book Of Blood. There is no buy/donate link on the page yet... That's ultimately what I was waiting for before starting viral marketing.
Sorry, but I'm not going to tweet about a game I haven't had to the chance to see at all, especially not an auto-tweet. I respect my followers and don't want to spam them :(
A Day in the Woods (by RetroEpic)
Broforce (by Free Lives)
Desktop Dungeons (by QCF)
Escape Velocity (by Richard Pieterse)
zX (by RetroFuture)
However as of this moment we haven't been able to get hold of RetroEpic. We would really like to show their game at AMAZE, but obviously we won't do this without consent from RetroEpic. We hope they're as keen to have A Day in the Woods represent South Africa as we are to be represented by it.
From the selected games AMAZE still needs a couple things. They need a title of your company or name of you as an individual, a short description of the game (under 300 words) and of your selves (also around 300 words) and a promotional image.
Eventually AMAZE will need a build of the game that they can run on their PC's there. I don't think any of the selected games should have a problem running on PC.
Could you PM me the details, I'll send them on to Thorsten. ... Or post them here if you're happy to do that.
Congratulations! We believe it's a selection that makes South Africa proud. Thanks for making such awesome games. We hope we can send more games next year!
You should always have your passport in order.
Please please please send me the details or post them here. Please.
We're truly grateful for all the behind the scenes work.
Great work guys, Thank you.
When do we need to supply builds?
Any sooner would be great though. I believe Shaz has sent out some emails. If any credit is deserved then she deserves a tiger's share of it.