Learn to make games
Hey all,
I will be hosting a course in video game creation with Game Maker in collaboration with Learn3D.
I thought I'd share the information pamphlet with you all, perhaps some of you might know someone who would be interested :).
The course is open too all ages, however the material is mostly directed at teenagers between 16 and 19.

This is the general information flyer:

I will be hosting a course in video game creation with Game Maker in collaboration with Learn3D.
I thought I'd share the information pamphlet with you all, perhaps some of you might know someone who would be interested :).
The course is open too all ages, however the material is mostly directed at teenagers between 16 and 19.

This is the general information flyer:

Thanked by 1hanli
Yes, Please do :)!
I have updated the first post. That is the emailer that was sent out this morning with all the details :)
The lecture will be starting on monday, but I was hoping to find something out from you guys.
I have compiled a flash drive of goodies for the students, and I was wondering if any of you guys had some games/game suggestions to contribute for the students to check out.
I have basically tried to find a decent range of all kinds of different games made with Game Maker.
So far I have the following:
Ace's High over Verlor Island
Action Fist!
Blazin' Aces
Boogie Tennis
Halo demake (Eric Ruth games)
Return 2 Sector 9
Warlock Bentspine
Let me know if you guys can think of anything more
Most of the kids in the class this evening are around 16. I'd love to show them Hotline Miami, but I don't think that'll go too well... :D