Braamfontein Student Game Developer Meet-Up - 14 March 2017

edited in Events

Yes, we're already into our third month of 2017, we know. Apologies for the late kick-off this year! This meetup will primarily be an introduction to the community, a report back on the interesting things that have happened in our industry since last year, and a chance to play test each other's games!

IMPORTANT: We will not be at the DIZ this month. Please see below for our new location, and directions.

While these meets are aimed at including the Johannesburg student developer community, the greater dev community are certainly not excluded. All are welcome!

WHEN: 17:30 - 21:00
WHERE: Digital Arts Building, Wits University
DIRECTIONS: Parking for visitors will be available right outside the building, after entering the university on Station Rd


17:30 - Hang out, meet new people.
18:00 - Presentations begin
+ Intros (extended)
+ Community News
+ Game Design - The Future (A GDC Retrospective) - Bahiyya Khan
+ Sounds Good (Interactive Sound Design Demo) - Bracken Hall
+Playtest Pitchathon!
+ Playtesting
+ Playtesting
+ Playtesting
+ Playtesting
+ Playtesting

We cannot stress enough the importance of playtesting your game as part of the development process, so please bring games, prototypes, or just *things* for other people to test and give you feedback on. Also, it doesn't hurt to come prepared with a few questionnaires for people to fill out after testing your game. It's best to have questions specific to your games but here are a few example sheets which you can download and print out if you don't have time to make your own.
Try this, this, or this

If you would like to attend, or if you have a talk you'd like to present at either this, or future meetups, please comment below or on our Facebook event



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