"Adventures of Hendri" Demo for IOS

The Adventures of Hendri is a new 2D Platform Game for IOS. Would love your feedback on this.
Website: http://www.adventuresofhendri.co.za/
Itunes: Adventures of Hendri - Treasure of Zoiwen

If you like the game please share to everyone you know. An update for the game is to follow shortly.
Update includes some bug fixes and new level.


  • Hello, you are new, where are you from?
  • Hi Critic,

    Yes I'm new to the website. I'm based in Mosselbay South Africa.
  • Welcome to the community, I would give you feedback, unfortunately I don't have an Apple device...
  • Thanks Critic,
    Do appreciate the feedback. You can also comment on the game-play video on the website. Share it if you like it.
    Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/LionAntPty/
  • Yes, I checked the video, presentation is very nice, sound is good, but the gameplay looks very slow, from movement to shooting. Also have no idea what the main character is...
  • Thanks Critic,
    Will definitely look at the video presentation and make it better for the user.
    Regarding the shooting it has a time delay for every shot. Unfortunate it is not working like a machine gun.
    Hendri is just a fluffy ball character.

    I hope I answered your feedback. Thanks again for all the effort on giving me feedback.
  • Welcome LionAnt, and congratulations on getting adventures of Hendri out.

    After watching the video I was also left very currious about the world you've built, and what Hendri is. It's a very unusual character design!

    Wishing you the best with the games release, and hope you'll share future work with us as well!
  • Thanks BenJets,

    Will definitely share more work with the community.
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