Unity Training and Certification
Just as a matter of curiosity, how many of you would like to receive training in Unity and become certified by Unity?
Just as a matter of curiosity, how many of you would like to receive training in Unity and become certified by Unity?
But having said that, I'm pretty jaded about the cert itself, though it might be their using exaggerated advertising-speak. Learning to use Unity is just one piece of a puzzle, where imo almost all of the other pieces are more important. Getting Unity cert is imo not going to get you a job on its own. (The one place in the game industry I think you could maybe find work is with startups who have no game dev experience -- in which case they're unlikely to pay well, and unlikely to offer you the opportunity to learn from people better than you, which makes those jobs unattractive. Outside of the game industry there might be some use, with more media-related companies being interested in game technology, and who have skills in everything else but simply lack someone who knows how to use a game engine, if you're interested in non-game work.)
There's no harm in doing the cert! I just want to manage your expectations about how useful this piece of paper will actually be with getting a game job.
For me making games has never been about the job, but making games because I love making games... I don't care which tool I use for as long as if will archive the goal. And having a certificate or degree does not mean that you know how to make games. I have lot of computer science graduates who don't know how to program but have only crammed the course work... Most industry professionals have dropped out or didn't even go to college and have made great games or technology. Examples are the guys in "Indie game- the movie"... So if you really love something, you don't have to be certificated to be good at it. And life shows that most people are certificated in things that they really hate. They just do it to pay the bills, while some of us have sacrificed our lives to do it, and we can never rest if we skip the day without doing it.
Taking construction as an analogy, you can teach yourself how to lay bricks, how to install windows and doors, but what use is this if the house is in a flood plain, on unstable ground or has doors leading nowhere. That's why engineering disciplines exist, sure you can even teach yourself on that level, but who will trust a skyscraper designed by someone without formal education.
I personally think that formal education plays a vital role in building a foundation for a profession, you don't need to have it, but it's better if you do.
Minecraft was build by self taught "maybe Markus is not so formal with $70m house he owns, but I am sure his algorithms are 100% formal...
Whatsapp is formal again build by seltaught.
Facebook is formal "dropout not so formal"
Twitter is formal
Dropbox is formal...
And it seems that most 90% of formal technology that we use on daily bases were started by dropouts who are not so formal...
I can go on with the list, even the richest man in the world who made a "formal flipping pan cake algorithm is not so formal"
Even oculus rift . Best vr headsets made by a 20 year old dropout!!! When did he become formal???
Maybe its because formal is not so formal or certification makes it seem formal or just something is being overrated here.
(And on the discipline issue, I don't think you can build something great if you are not self disciplined) so something else is being overated
Your stats is extremely wrong and that is extreme... You said 99.99%... Start redoing your research and recount and tell me who is extreme
A lot of the most promising, award-winning young independent game designers are graduating from the New York University and University of Southern California programmers. It's pointless to compare examples about who and didn't go to university, and I'm guilty because I frequently cite the examples you do. University is valuable for some, and not for others.
Despite having both gone through a game design degree, and having taught on one - I'm far from the biggest proponent of University education. I totally agree that you can always learn something better outside of a formal education system. There are some things Universities really do teach better than you can learn on your own - or at least, University teaches you things you don't even know you'll find useful. The best advantage of University is actually the community it provides - a bunch of people interested and studying similar things to you. Even of the examples you cited, most of those dropout examples, the people those same drop outs went on to start companies with - they met at University. Personally, I probably gained more from being in the community of university, than I did necessarily learning straight-up game design. Especially now I'm trying to do the indie thing, I can see how valuable that community was/is.
Returning this conversation back to the OP - getting certification doesn't mean you're using it to learn either. Having some official certification, especially condoned by Unity, would give a lot of employers a short hand and quick evidence for seeing you are proficient in Unity. This does seem like a safe and back-up option really, though. Most companies will likely prefer a portfolio of games, but again - it's about what the individual wants and needs. Judging from Unity's extensive series of video tutorials, I'm sure they agree with you, and this is how they would prefer people to learn for the certification.
Also, you can basically name the people that have succeeded, can you name the ones that have failed...
Sorry about the derail, but I don't really like discouragement of higher education.