Solitaire Lounge
Created my 3rd attempt at an indie game. Oh my is it a lot of work and I think this part of the lifecycle of game creation is the worst! I started adding all the Google Analytics, putting it on Greenlight and adding facebook etc. The worst is checking every 5 seconds how stats are performing even though I know it's pointless.
How do you go about ignoring stats and just keep focused or is this a problem for you too?
You can have a look at my promo vid:

The website also has an alpha release available for windows:
Started putting it on sites like IndieDB. SEO is hard and this time I want to start promoting the game way before it is officially released to all the supported platforms.
How do you go about ignoring stats and just keep focused or is this a problem for you too?
You can have a look at my promo vid:

The website also has an alpha release available for windows:
Started putting it on sites like IndieDB. SEO is hard and this time I want to start promoting the game way before it is officially released to all the supported platforms.
Seems like you have put a lot of work into this :) I know of people that would love to play a solitaire game like this with all the themes and visual effects! I personally like the way the cards flow when setting up and when you won, (reminds me of the good old Windows XP solitaire days). Hope that development continues without to many quarrels. Good Luck :D
BTW: the promo trailer's music is niice!
Edit: I will download the Alpha and give some feedback :)
I have played the alpha and here are my thoughts
Things I like:
I like the visual style that you are using (Bright and quirky)
Like the Visual Effects (e.g. when you start and finish a game and when you add to aces slot)
Like the sounds when dropping cards
Overall polish is really good for the existing levels
Things I would change:
I would make the UI for the PC version different so that it doesn't have that Mobile Feel
(i.e making the PC version and Mobile version distinct)
Add a close or exit option for PC (I had to alt-tab to exit)
Have different songs for the different themes
Things I would add:
Facebook or Google plus integration for leader boards
maybe little animations to background or animation when you click on background
On the PC version, add to ace slot when you right click
I do understand that you are still in alpha and that you are still working on the game I just wanted to give constructive criticism and my personal thoughts. I must say I did enjoy the time I have spent with it and I did play quite a few games. Really like the look and feel of the Game and feel that it could be a hit on mobile platforms :)
Hope this helps a bit and hope that rest of development goes well~!