Gamemaker Studio 2 Beta released...

Hey All,

So the beta version of Gamemaker studio 2 has been released - they seem to be giving keys away for free is sort of waves, so if you sit on the site and keep refreshing apparently you could get lucky :) (you need a yoyo games account).

if you don't get in on the beta - it does seem that they DIDN'T go for the subscription model, and a pro license when it gets released will be
Desktop: $99.99
Web: $149.99
UWP: $349.99
Mobile: $399.99
and console "coming soon".

Also, if you have a professional license for GMS1.4, for a short period you will also get a 40% discount if you choose to upgrade.

if you want to see someone's first impressions, you can check it out here:

Thanked by 1pieter


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