[Event] Johannesburg Community Evening - 08 November 2016

edited in Events
This event happens monthly, is free to attend and anyone may speak at the meetup - just comment in the thread below to let us know!

Test games! Talk games! Make games!

When: 18:30 until around 21:30, Tuesday 08 November
Where: Microsoft Campus Bryanston, 3012 William Nicol Drive, Bryanston, Johannesburg. Auditorium 2

- 6:30 - 7:00 Grab food elsewhere + bonding time
- Community News (5 min)

- Moving the Pixels, the Art of Animation @Sean_Goncalves (15 min)

- Unity Tips v2 @Stray_Train (15 min)

- AR vs VR @DaveRussellSA (15 min)

- Super Cool 24Bit Unity Demo @AngryMoose (10 min)

- Playtest Pitchathon (if you're playtesting a game, we ask that you give a 30 second pitch to the room about what the game is, before we all break off and play things).

Bring your games and set them up inside the auditorium before and after the meetup!

Board game prototypes can and will be played so bring along your prototypes!

If you intend to attend, please indicate so on the Facebook event (Not mandatory, so don't worry if you don't have/use Facebook)
Thanked by 3Tuism critic edg3


  • So pretty full lineup for this month \:D/ cut out one of the presentation slots since there's an extra talk.

    @AngryMoose any chance you can show that project you didn't get to last month :3?
    Thanked by 1edg3
  • Sure. Down with conplague at the moment but should be ok for next week. 10 mins should be ok.
    Thanked by 3Karuji Fengol edg3
  • edited
    Something always happens on the community evenings that prevents me from attending and I tell myself every time, next one. And now, leader of the free world is being elected this time, on the 8th... :/
  • Last night I mentioned the IRC 2.0-like app Slack and the game-dev channel on ZATech. You can join at https://zatech.stanleybot.com/ you don't need an invite.
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