Writer & Marketer & Researcher Available for Freelance Work

edited in Jobs
Hi Everyone

I've got a bit of free time on my hands in the next few months and thought I would use the time to make my services available to those in the community who may find them of use. I've got a fairly broad set of skills and qualifications (listed below) which I use together to provide services (also listed below):

BA Psychology & Communications
Hons Psychology
Thesis Topic: Playing games: The salience of social cues and group norms in eliciting aggressive behaviour (published in 2013 South African Journal of Psychology)
Masters Psychology (incomplete)
Thesis Topic: Playing Nice: Curbing in-game toxic behaviour in DotA 2 clan players.

Short Courses
Quirk Education and Red & Yellow
• 2014 Online Advertising 1
• 2013 Web Analytics, Search Engine Optimisation 1
• 2012 Digital Marketing, Writing for Digital; Agency Project Management; Using Social Media for Business Challenges; Online Reputation Management
• 2013 Video Games and Learning (University of Wisconsin–Madison)
• 2013 Introduction to Public Speaking (University of Washington)
• 2012 Gamification (University of Pennsylvania)

Marketing Strategy
Search Engine Optimisation
• Initial Keyword research
• Ongoing Keyword research
• Google Adwords Campaign Setup
• Google Adwords Campaign Management
Social Media Community Management
• Page Setups
• Content plan creation
• Implementation and management
• Reporting on campaigns and running of platforms
Other Community Management
• Managing game forums
• Blog management
Email Marketing (Newsletters)
• Planning content
• Content production
• Managing database
• Managing responses
• Analysing campaign performance
Copywriting Services
• Press Releases
• Website Copy
• Blog posts
In-game instructions and help documentation
Other in-game writing (dialogue, buttons etc)
• Game Theme Research
• Player Behaviour Research and Analysis
• Game Design Insights
• Other Research
Web Analytics
• Analysing Google Analytics data for insight into user behaviour
Online Advertising
• Set up
• Maintenance on online advertising campaigns
• Reporting on online advertising campaigns

If you'd like to know more, see a portfolio or would like me to quote on a project for you, please don't hesitate to get in touch:

meg [dot] hugz [at] gmail [dot] com
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