New game development company Eternal inc LTD requires a developer that can maintain server, as well as add new feature(UI based) to the game, candidate will need c#, PHP and mySQL as the game was developed using those languages. Please contacts me at
FYI, there are a couple of typos on your website you should fix:
- "contact us relating any quarries"
- "determined to publishing games"
- "making allot of people happy"
- "Eternal Inc was found in Rochdale ... but two gamer's"
- "The company strive for perfection"
Can you tell us more about the state of the game and the type of maintenance you require? Can you also provide the expected remuneration and where an applicant would be operating from if you guys are in the UK?The company itself is looking at relocating to Cape Town from where we are currently, as I believe there will be more chance of us recruiting people in the future to keep expanding and growing. All in all we are in a very healthy position and would like to continue in our upwards momentum. Please feel free to leave a comment on here if you think you would suit our company or email us at with more details about yourselves and what you think you could bring to our company. I'll be actively looking at this website on a daily basis for those rough gems that are likely to appear.