DEEPLINK STUDIOS || Volunteer positions available (VO and SoundFX Volunteers)

Greetings MGSA!
Am quite new to your forums, I'm the Director and Studio for Deeplink Studios. We're a small sized studio based in the cloud, we're looking for Voice Actor and SoundFX Volunteers. Designers and Programmers between the ages of 18 - 27 who are either still studying or have completed their tertiary education, to join our 12 month Paid Internship. You will be joining a small team working on our flagship product, Riftwalker. Riftwalker is a sandbox basebuilder for android and is funded by Facebook.
We offer flexible working hours and allow you to work from home, only requiring a quarterly site visit.
If you're interested in applying, we have a few positions available in the following fields.
- Programming (Internship)
- Design (Internship)
- Audio/Voice Acting (Volunteer)
- Community Moderator (Volunteer)
You can apply here:
You can email me:
Best of Luck!
Dylan Engelbrecht
Director and Site Manager, Deeplink Studios.
Thanked by 1AngryMoose
We regrettably cannot offer more than that, rates are non-negotiable and are based on our contracts with other companies. However we are quite flexible when it comes to working hours, students will be able to attend all their classes and tests as needed.
Dylan Engelbrecht
Director and Site Manager, Deeplink Studios.
Dylan Engelbrecht
Director and Site Manager, Deeplink Studios.
Think I may have found this offer a little too late '^_^, but is there a chance that there may still be a position available in the near future?
I went for an interview at a game development company a while ago, but had to decline the offer due to transportation issues with taking the train vs working hours (office only).
Will it be fine to email you my CV and Portfolio for future reference?
I also have a few demo reels I did in college (2014 & 2015) that I could link in the email for you to review.
I stay in Brackenfell and I do not own a car, but my brother has allowed me to do a few freelancer projects via his account so being able to work a job from home would be amazing. :D
I look forward to hearing from you very soon and good luck with your current project. ^^
Sorry for the lack of responses, been a bit hectic this side with newyears and I've honestly just forgot that there may be followup forum posts. I will update it shortly.
All paid internship positions have been filled and we've got a great team - thanks to those who did send me their CV's. If I haven't accepted you, I will still keep your CV in our database incase we need someone at a later stage.
@Sigh_Leeeee I am looking for volunteer soundfx, clicks, explosions, pews and bashoosh's. However we'll only be starting with that in the next coming weeks. If you're interested just drop me a mail as I respond to those. We are also still looking for two female voice actors, as well as voice actors for units at a later stage. Send me an email with a short voice note (10 - 20 seconds) and I'll do some edits and respond.
Dylan Engelbrecht
Director & Studio Manager, Deeplink Studios