[Project][VR] a little fire

edited in Projects

I wanted to share what I've been working on.

My first game, its called 'a little fire' - a survival game for wussies.
Its been many many sleepless nights - I have a day job.


Make a little fire...


Survive the night.

Being the wuss that I am I have had to make my own 'horror/survival' game. Feedback has been great, and players tend to come back for more rounds.

[Me making a little fire]
Make a little fire, survive the night.

Currently working on multiplayer issues before fleshing out the environment some more and working on some animations.
MR capture and editing in my green room also needs to happen.
Also need to get around to making a soundtrack.

Too little time to do alles, but I am slowly making progress.


  • Really cool idea for creating a survival experience rooted in just one spot!

    Killing the birds doesn't seem to be necessary? Though I think it's a clever way to get the hunting part of a survival experience to the player (who is stuck in one spot).
  • Jo! This looks cool! Adding onto @EvanGreenwoods thought of killing birds - it seems that marshmallows are the munition to your slingshot weapon - why not make the birds carry bags of marshmallows that they drop when they die? Surely you don't have an unlimited supply of them :P Not exactly sure how you would then go get them if you are rooted to one spot but it's some food for thought.
  • It's an interesting idea, the thought of the entire game being in the same spot is rad, I'd love to see some actual reason for it and diminishing resources implemented in a realistic way, that's after all what survival games are about :)

    As it is, it seems like a cool toy. The killing of birds is a cool little interaction, and there were an actual reason to do it it would add to the experience :)
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    Thanks for the feedback.
    VR presents some interesting problems.

    You have a limited play-space.
    Incorrect movement will cause motion sickness.

    I've been wanting to see how far I can get without resorting to my trusty teleportation methods I use in my Architecture apps.
    A nice little feature is that each person's camp site is a little different and is based on your actual VR play space that you set up when buying a Vive - same for multiplayer.

    Killing the birds is not necessary, but with each wave of main enemies more and more bats/birds spawn and the sky becomes darker and louder with the screams of the bats/birds.

    They do spawn some goodies and increase difficulty multipliers, marshmallows and some others.

    I think it needs a story and to bring things full circle. Night ends another day begins.

    loads of ideas - put something in fire, break it, put together with something else - blowgun
    fishing rod to get things outside your play area perhaps.
  • I'd love to see some actual reason for it and diminishing resources implemented in a realistic way
    I agree with this. Something like your legs have been incapacitated and you're waiting for to be rescued would be a wonderful world building opportunity. ;)
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    Some MR gameplay. Having some issues with input when recording.


  • @EvanGreenwoods thanks for that Vive Dk1. Hope you are enjoying that island...
  • I like the idea of the premise being that you are incapacitated or can't travel for some reason!

    Could a food mechanic be introduced? A lot of survival games have a hunger bar, and the birds could serve as food. Roasting chickens could be fun (and maybe roast chickens could be used to lure baddies away).

    Anyway, I guess I'm saying shooting animals out the sky seems cool, but I expect as a player I'd want some sort of reward for doing it (or expect some sort of penalty for not doing it).

    Glad that Vive helped you. It looks like you're onto something awesome!
  • Interesting concept, looks great. There are a few things that can be done with this to introduce the reasoning behind the setting, as others have stated an explanation for why you can't move from the spot seems to be missing. A bag of gold or something valuable that is too heavy to carry, but can't be left behind or an injured companion that can't move and needs tending to pop to mind. You could also use the burning marshmallows to ignite other fires around you, they could give you safe zones of some sort or just visibility, maybe even serve as a movement system. Wondering why you don't introduce a night threat like wolves or something, that would further solidify the need for the camp fire.

    Nice work. :)
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    Some great ideas up there.

    Marshmellows need some work. Fire draws the penguins and on fire marshmellows or arrow marshmellows can also redirect threats.

    the bats are currently just a placeholder reward system, but your ideas are putting things together.

    .. the birds could serve as food. Roasting chickens could be fun (and maybe roast chickens could be used to lure baddies away).... LOVE IT. Nice
    critic: said:

    ..an injured companion that can't move and needs tending to pop to mind... Great idea, she's In the tent, and needs some chicken.

    ... also use the burning marshmallows to ignite other fires around you, they could give you safe zones of some sort or just visibility ... They do, the environment is still needs work, but the idea is to be able to spread the fire. but, maths.

    ... night threat like wolves... Modelling, there are place holder night threats, but wolves are awesome. If anyone wants to send me a rigged/animated/low polyish wolf, that would be great.

  • Saw you're offering to employ some people to at least partly work on this. That's exciting! I'd love to see more art and time in general spent on this project!
    Thanked by 1ddutchie
  • I am going crazy juggling too many projects myself ;) Time to expand. Extremely exciting times ahead.
  • themushrooms do way more spawn growing mushroom blockers and was going to induce a trip than i show. the game is filled with easter eggs.
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    hahaha. perfect
  • Teaser for you all.

    Thanked by 1critic
  • nice concept. weldone
    Thanked by 1ddutchie
  • Really interesting looking game. Stoked to see where you take this @ddutchie!
    Thanked by 1ddutchie
  • Good play-test the other night. Had some really great feedback.

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