[Event] Braamfontein/Student Community Meetup - 20th September

edited in Events
Totally only Braamfontein game developers in the above photo.

Hey all!

As we discussed a while ago, we want to bring in more students into the community (there are ~200 studying games and related fields in Johannesburg), and we believe the best way to do that is to have a meetup in Braamfontein, catered to their wants.

Where: The DIZ, 111 Smit Street, Braamfontein, 2nd Floor - entrance is next to Bean There coffee shop. Corner of Eendracht and Smit Street is where the entrance actually is.

Content - starts at 18:00
- Intros
- Community News (5 min)


- Q&A with Free Lives Technical Artist, Jonathan Hau-Yoon


Show and tell (5-10 minute slots where people can show what they're working on/get feedback/compliments)

- Playtest Pitchathon (if you're playtesting a game, give a 30 second pitch to the room about what the game is, before we all break off and play things).
2048 x 1152 - 233K


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