This is a bit of a shot in the dark... but is there any record of an old community meetup...

edited in General
Specifically the one where Free Lives showed off a playable demo of the old 3D version of ORECHASM?

It must have been around February or March 2011. I don't think anyone video recorded it, but I'm wondering if anyone even took a picture?.. or made a blog post about it?

The SAGD forums would have had a record of it... but of course those don't exist anymore... and even if the data does exist I'm loath to put anyone through dredging that up.

This is in regard to someone claiming there is a name conflict.


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    Just to be clear... the other someone who wants to use "ORECHASM" as a name changed their git hub project to be named "ORECHASM" just 10 days before Ludum Dare 25, where we entered what was to be our second playable prototype by the name of "ORECHASM".

    Though I've now been made aware that there is a fairly big something in Borderlands 2 called "ORECHASM", which obviously didn't exist back in February 2011, and now means any game we make called "ORECHASM" will probably be eclipsed by Borderlands 2 (making it not such a great choice for a name ).

    In fact if anyone even recalls us showing off Orechasm the first that would be helpful. It was that four player split-screen 3D minecrafty game with bombs and terrain that collapsed dramatically.

    Not sure that we plan on pursuing Orechasm the second as a game in any case. But since this dude sent such a snarky lawyery email I'd rather stand my ground.
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    Yeah i had a quick google and all i got was borderlandsborderlandsborderlands. The only other mention was this thread the game jam thread.

    Good luck with finding record of it, would file dating (created, etc) from before not work?
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    @blackshipsfillthesky - I wouldnt know where to look, but I hope it helps.

    EDIT: though it seems to not have the right dates available :(
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