[PROJECT] Blits with a Z

edited in Projects
Greetings all. Today is a good day.

I completed my very first game, Blits with a Z. It’s a game where the player must the generated press numbers or letters that pop up within a certain time.


I created this game because I believe that it has the potential to help the player with his/her typing skills. As the player presses the numbers or letters their brains are being trained as to where those keys are situated in the keyboard. Then when they need to type something it would be easy and faster because their brains already know where everything is.

I hope you enjoy playing this game. I believe that it will help you, and provide you with a fun experience. This game will be the first of many that I will be making. I know that I will look back on this game and say that this is where it all began.
Any and all feedback on this game would be much appreciated.

I’d like to thank @pieter for helping me with the release of this game and for the knowledge that he’s imparted into me through the game design classes he hosts.

And thank you too :)


Thanked by 3pieter Absia BenJets


  • Hey hey !

    You will probably have a better response rate if you include some screenshots or a video.

    Thanked by 1Eagan
  • edited
    Thanks @Kobusvdwalt9

    Here are some screenshots.





    Thanked by 1pieter
  • I love your artwork. Simple but yet amazing. Congrats on finishing your first game.
    Thanked by 1Eagan
  • Congrats on making something! :D

    Out of interest, was the a reason "Angus" is entered as the default, as opposed to a blank box or "Enter name" or something?
    Thanked by 1Eagan
  • Well done on finishing you first game! And what a first game, well made menus with multiple modes, local leaderboards and a good amount of polish.

    I liked how backspace was consistently implemented as "back" in all the menus, nice touch. The game also has a very cohesive theme to it, which makes it stand out as a first game.
    Loved the little particle effects flying past the screen, the whole game just has a very playful mood to it. Again well done!

    The following are just minor tweaks to keep in mind for your next game ;)
    - Having the first few menus keyboard driven, and then having the final score screen mouse driven felt a little odd (though I understand why you'd need a mouse to use the text box). At that point in the game the user has gone through enough menus to have gotten used to a certain way of interacting with your game. I think going for a mouse driven system throughout is fine, since you know the player is going to be sitting in front of a PC.
    - When the typing part starts, maybe have a "Press any key to start" message so the player can get their hands in the correct position before they start typing. Or maybe even just a "3-2-1 GO!" countdown before the game starts.

    Thank you so much for the acknowledgement, but I think you give me way too much credit, I literally had no input in the creation of this game. The work that was put in to learn how to use the engine, designing, polishing and testing is all you :) I'm happy if I could inspire someone to start creating games, but you did all the work to create and finished this game. I really look forward to seeing what you make next.
    Thanked by 1Eagan
  • @Elyaradine There is a reason for that actually...

    When I first started becoming interested in game development there was this game that I wanted to make with few friends, "The I.T. rangers of power". It was meant to be a platformer like metal slug but it would be a very outrageous one. The name if it was "The adventures of Angus Mckringalberry". Long story short, the scope of the game was heavily bloated and I had no idea where to start. So instead of an action packed adventure game, I opted for a simple text-based game for my first release project and I think that was a wise decision.

    I do still think that the concept behind Angus could be quite solid with a little bit of working through. In the future I might revive the idea. But anyway that's why Angus is the default name.
    Thanked by 1pieter
  • Thanks @Absia
    I wanted something simple but yet "pretty" and playful.
  • Thanks for playing @pieter :)

    Those particle effects were something of an after addition when I wanted to add little bit of extra "Omf" to the game. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

    And yes, those tweaks. I noticed what you said about the menus. The reason why I didn't change it is that I had a deadline of last week friday. Attempting to rectify it would've taken a bit of time, time I chose to spend on the part of the game where the numbers and letters pop up rather.
    And the count down. I should've added that lol

    I will definitely keep those things in mind tho. From all the things I've learned when making this game, my next one will exquisite!

    Thanks again to everyone who played the game. Much appreciated.
    Thanked by 1pieter
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