[EVENT] Durban Meetup (August)
Time for our third Durban meetup!
Date: Let's take votes for 13/20/27th August (post the date you want and I'll add it to the tally below)
Time: 10AM worked well last time I think. Shout if you disagree.
Venue: 83b St. Thomas Road, Musgrave, Durban
Hailing: @garethf @quintond @Krummelz @pypmannetjies @ShadowBlade @IrkunJay @hyltonwarburton @ryan20fun @sumisukyo @2squared @BlackEagle @Melvir @Fenn @SemiDemented @jamotaylor
Date votes (all saturday)
[0] 13th August
[3] 20th August
[2] 27th August
Let us know what you'll be bringing! We'll have VALA as usual ;-)
Date: Let's take votes for 13/20/27th August (post the date you want and I'll add it to the tally below)
Time: 10AM worked well last time I think. Shout if you disagree.
Venue: 83b St. Thomas Road, Musgrave, Durban
Hailing: @garethf @quintond @Krummelz @pypmannetjies @ShadowBlade @IrkunJay @hyltonwarburton @ryan20fun @sumisukyo @2squared @BlackEagle @Melvir @Fenn @SemiDemented @jamotaylor
Date votes (all saturday)
[0] 13th August
[3] 20th August
[2] 27th August
Let us know what you'll be bringing! We'll have VALA as usual ;-)
I have a new Gear VR game to show :)
I vote for the 13th !
I will have the latest version of Riders of Asgard there ... this is the version that is being pushed to Steam Greenlight. I will also have the final published version of The Colony 2174 ... for anyone that maybe wants to play a game or two. That is if anyone is interested.
It's my bachelors on the 13th, wedding on the 20th and I'll still be on honeymoon on the 27th.
Have fun folks. :)
Hmm, can't do 13th, but *maybe* one of the other two..
Any more info about the meetup, though? Where, what, etc? Is it at a pizza joint like last time we were out there, someones house, an office?
If we do manage it, earlier is almost certainly better. Still a bit of a pain having to drive that far though, but, alas we're stuck out here in nowhere :P
Edit: on a side note, we do want to come down there to Giba Gorge at some point for the biking, but that may not be for a couple months at least. Perhaps we'd be able to figure something out around that..
This is from the last one:
We're trying to grow over the ~8 regulars but Durban is hard. Speaking of which, if any of you know others in Durban that may be interested, please link them here.
How soon/late would you need confirmation (assuming it's not on the 13th)?
Not much to show yet from our side (well, something, but it's not ready for eyes just yet..).
Gives me more time to work on my Games xD Cause I'm lazy...
Are there gunna be any talks?