[Prototype] Switch

Sup peeps

I've been working on a very simple game. It is finally at a stage where the prototype is playable.

Short description:

In this small 2D platformer, you are the brain behind a network switch. As the CPU of the switch it is your duty to pick up files from specific nodes and deliver them to the dropboxes that appear when you pick them up. Take note that you can only move one file at a time. Network users are not fond of waiting for files, or losing them for that matter. When a file appears it will have a decay timer, once the timer is reached, the file will disappear. If you lose more than 20MB of data (4 files), the users will can the switch and you will lose the game.

But be careful, your platforms will come under attack from pesky viruses that you will have to fend off. Falling through the bottom most platform will destroy the CPU and the switch will fail!

A & D: Move left and right respectively.
W: Jump up one platform.
S: Jump down one platform.
Left Mouse Click: Shoot hashtag bullet where mouse is aiming.

The game is simplistic and small, and still only a prototype. The only objective is to transfer as much data as possible.

You can give it a play at the following link, it is currently on itch.io as a Unity WebPlayer game.

Link: https://stofstorm.itch.io/switch-prototype?secret=VyK6cpzwCik5ct7kIDmA7JYE

Any and all comments welcome.

Kind regards


  • Hey @stofStorm

    I gave it a little play - rather fun and took me back to the good old NES days :D. Any plans on taking it further?
    - Oh and restart doesn't appear to be working

  • Hey @Psyinx

    Thanks for giving it a go, I am glad that you enjoyed it.

    Plan number one for taking it further is to fix that restart button, lol ;).

    I do want to take it a bit further at least. A few things i have in mind are:

    - Doing a bit of number tweaking so that the gameplay feels faster and more challenging.
    - Add varied enemies, such as one that attacks the player or the files.
    - Add some sort of power-up system.

    After that I will probably move on to something new. The main idea with Switch was to take on something small that could be finished in a short amount of time and learn some more of the basics of making games.


    Thanked by 2Psyinx pieter
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