Does anyone know of a collaborative virtual sticky note software?
It really like Daniel Cook's method of sticky notes for design docs...<div><br></div><div>But I'd rather use virtual sticky notes that appear on the desktops of my team (so the sticky notes are collaborative).</div><div><br></div><div>Is there such a program perhaps? (I do you think this is a good idea)</div>
<a href=""></a> . It's not virtual sticky note software per se, however, it does have todo-lists that you can mark as complete when they are done (pretty much like a to-do). You can easily see, which ones are active, and which are completed (with a simple filter box). If you feel like a bit more effort, you can assign certain team mates and due dates (I don't do this though, the best thing is you only need to do this if you want to!)<div><br></div><div>Other features on this site that are useful is forums, for collaboration as a team. There is also a project wiki, which I use do informally document particularly deep sections of my game. I also use the wiki to list bugs, and ideas for future development.</div><div><br></div><div>If you try this out, just choose the free option (of course). It has all the features I listed above.</div>
May look into giving it a go sometime.
Will report back in time