edited in General
Virtualworld - SA's FIRST VIRTUAL REALITY ARCADE is opening on the 4th of July 2016 in CLAREMONT.

Massive discounts and specials (up to 50% off). We have two HTC Vive's ready along with the latest and most popular VR game and software!

Both Stations each powered by a Nvidea GTX 1080 - Fastest GPU in the world.

900 x 900 - 462K
Thanked by 1LexAquillia


  • I'm interested in the legality of charging people to play a game (this applies to internet cafes in general too). Is it fine because you're actually just renting time on your hardware and there just happens to be games on it? Or once you buy a game are you allowed to do whatever you like with it?

    Could someone write a wrapper around BroForce and stick it in a fancy box in a game arcade? And if so, why are game arcade games all 10+ years old?
  • @roguecode, you make a good point - i have a sneaky suspicion its a problem. If you down that route I guess its a slippery slope, too - technically we aren't supposed to have Vive's in SA yet anyway, so there is probably a legal issue with that, too.

    That all being said - I don't think anyone of the big players will care enough to send out a cease-and-desist. Will be interested to see how it all pans out.

    -calls on captain @LexAquillia for some thoughts.
  • edited
    Great stuff.

    They are setting these up in London too - developers here generally don't mind (we even went to a pop up and gave them a build) as it is an opportunity to grow the platform and most likely legally seen as charging for the rental of the hardware anyway. That's if you pay for time only and can play any game you choose versus a VR station dedicated to one game only.

  • I'm interested in the legality of charging people to play a game (this applies to internet cafes in general too). Is it fine because you're actually just renting time on your hardware and there just happens to be games on it? Or once you buy a game are you allowed to do whatever you like with it?
    @rougecode I don't know the law but I would assume these sorts of things should be discussed in the EULAs right ? But now I am wondering what happens if your game doesn't have a EULA ? Cause if the customer does something you don't approve of, they could just plead ignorance.
  • @Virtualworld, is what you are doing the same concept as The void?
  • The pricing is ridiculous
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