MGSA comp survey
Hello everyone.
We're two comps in since we started, and it's about time that we take stock and work out how to carry on. Comp H didn't have a terribly high turnout, and it would be useful to know why, as well as nail down what people want/expect from competitions in the future.
To that end, we'd really appreciate it if you took five minutes or so to fill out this survey. We plan to use the responses to make the competitions more attractive, and tweak them to better serve the community. Responses are anonymous.
Our exciting MGSA Comp Survey can be filled out here.
If surveys aren't your style, feel free to contact either myself or @francoisvn directly to let us know what you'd like to see in the comps.
Thank you!
We're two comps in since we started, and it's about time that we take stock and work out how to carry on. Comp H didn't have a terribly high turnout, and it would be useful to know why, as well as nail down what people want/expect from competitions in the future.
To that end, we'd really appreciate it if you took five minutes or so to fill out this survey. We plan to use the responses to make the competitions more attractive, and tweak them to better serve the community. Responses are anonymous.
Our exciting MGSA Comp Survey can be filled out here.
If surveys aren't your style, feel free to contact either myself or @francoisvn directly to let us know what you'd like to see in the comps.
Thank you!
Hot damn, MGSA. We have asked, and you have answered. Eight hours in, and not only have we had a healthy number of responses, but they're really helping us out. I'll be keeping this survey open until next Friday (8 July), so don't be shy to offer up your opinions when you have a few minutes.
We'll probably also do some sort of feedback thingy to let everyone know what the rough results of the survey are, and what they'll mean for comps going forward. For now, however, we've got some games to judge...
For me, I just had too much going on.
I didn't think the theme was that great, but I did have some cool ideas for it. The other thing to note is that if I'm testing a game jam game for feedback, I probably don't even spend 3 minutes on the game, so basically every game jam game could fit into this theme. That said, the time limit theme has given me some cool ideas that I might use for another game jam if the theme fits.
Don't let the turnout discourage you guys. I personally enjoy following the contests even if I don't submit something. I'm keen for the next one.