Game Analytics
I'm looking to implement some analytics for my current prototype. I looked around and it seems like the best option is Playtomic ( Playtomic offers most of what I want, but not everything. I might be able to massage things so that they'll do, but it could be less than ideal. The other option is rolling my own system, but that will take some time which I'd rather not spend unless I have to. Does anyone else have any experience with Playtomic or any other free analytics service? Anyone written their own system?
I'm beginning to wish we'd done that with DD (and maybe we will eventually) but the game's already got a really simple logging system that we can pull stats from via simple SQL calls. Stats are neat :)
I'm thinking that a simple system that I roll myself is probably not as much work as I was thinking, at least for the recording part. The analysis part might be a bit of work, but I might be able to find something pre-built that I can use.
Then again, Playtomic is very easy to get running for now. Then I can use it a bit and make notes of it's shortcomings so I don't run into them with my own system if I decide to write it a bit later. I think this is probably the a good option for now.
@dislekcia: For DD, do you analyse your data by looking directly at the SQL query results? Or do you have something you use to plot the data?
I do recommend that everyone looks at Playtomic if you don't already track your game analytics. It is very easy to use and will probably be perfect for quite a large number of games.