Hungry Overlord launch


here is the finished version of Hungry Overlord , for download.

Download is 119 mb .zip file

totally free, for your enjoyment.
Thanks to all the guys who commented and made suggestions to improve this game.

controls are

arrow keys (up down right left)
to look around

Lcrtl to shoot knives

c to reset camera to centre of screen.

Shift+ctrl+f9 to customize controls ( can use gamepad )

this game was built on this system

i3 3.4 ghz
6 gigs ddr3 ram
geforce 9500 gt (512mb)
(anything above this will run it great)

onboard gfx cards will run terrible or crash.

Requires microsoft visual C++ 2005 runtimes
and direct x 9C

only for windows platform.



  • edited
    Due to a lack of screenshots and gameplay description I made a video of your game.

    Thanked by 3tbulford dammit Tuism
  • Okay. Thanks.

    I didnt think to post screenshots and videos to this thread. I posted them on previous threads.

    Any comments or critique is welcome
  • Please also share your system specs ,and the games performance on those system specs.

    I will be posting a low pc spec version (tonight maybe) that will run on onboard intel hd gfx (1024mb)

    I didnt know the gap between onboard gfx and gaming gfx was so huge.
  • For the amount of assets you have on the screen the specs shouldn't matter.

    There are some deep optimization issues with your game; unfortunately I don't know the Open Dynamics Engine to suggest anything.
  • Thats fine. Thanks for the feedback.

    the updated version of hungry overlord . With option to switch off bloom and use pixel shader 1

    67mb download .zip file
    use winrar to unzip

    please share you experience , comments or flaming critiques
  • edited
    Have you considered putting your game up on It's free and you can setup a page for your game with screenshots, videos and descriptions. Plus they will host your download and you can setup an optional price so people can buy your game.

    Downloading the latest version of your game now, hoping to give you some flame retardant feedback.
  • I've played the latest version and here's my feedback. I am genuinely trying to help you improve your game so please don't see this as inflammatory.

    • Add an option to skip the intro and go right to the gameplay.
    • Remove or drastically reduce what I think is supposed to be steam or fire is over the stew pot. It obfuscates the rest of the scene. You can see in the image below it's difficult to see the rest of the scene.
    • Personally I would remove the inertia from the cursor movement. It makes it's very hard to aim at a moving object.
    • What is the big green thing in the bottom-right of the scene (not the number)? Is it supposed to be the chef's arm?
    • Maybe instead of spawning a spinning knife, just do a raycast and destroy the fruit if there's a collision. The knife blocks the player's view (see animation below) and it's not obvious that the knife is cutting through the vegetable. It also raises a question about what happens if the knife hits one of the overlords which won't be so obvious if it's not there.
    • Add more feedback to the player when a vegetable is destroyed. Play a sound and maybe add a particle effect, so the score increment above the cursor. Let the player know he/she did something right.
    • Add feedback when a player hits one of the overlords. Play a negative sound, deduct points, let them make a comment like "Hey! Don't hit me".
    • Please add an option to turn the music off, or better adjust the volume.
    • Disable continuing to score while the outro is playing.
    • Add an option to skip the outro and go back to gameplay.
    • In the intro and outro, the character keep asking mom what's for dinner and either complementing her or deriding her of the quality of the meal. Those comments be focused on the chef i.e. player. Even if it's irony that the player is ignored because he's a minion surrounded by superiors you should be praising the player for playing your game and encourage him/her to try again and continue playing.
    • Have an option to pause the game.
    • Have an option to quit the game. Currently I have to Alt+F4 out.
    • Something is happening when the cursor is looking at the bottom of the scene. It starts moving very slowly and doesn't want to come back up.
    • Turn off the skybox animations when the camera switches to inside kitchen. It looks like, and I suspect, all the particles and animations from the intro are still running during gameplay. You can probably optimize a bit by turning those assets off when in the kitchen. The same applies for the models and animations in the outro.
    • When updating the controls. Pause the game
    • Don't have text flowing over each other. In the image below the different takes overflow each other.
    • The first option when changing controls is Throw Knife and Look Up but Shoot is also the last option. There's some confusion there and I think Throw Knife should be removed.
    P.S. I just realised looking the model that the thing in the bottom-right of the pot, that it's supposed to be a carrot (see below). I think you could make more scene space by removing it.


    I know this looks like an info dump and it probably is. I would like you see this game improve!
    Thanked by 1pieter
  • Thanks for the feedback fengol.
    This is my first game, so yeah i am still learning.

    I will see if I can make the adjustments that you mentioned.
  • If I can ask, why are you using the Open Dynamics Engine? Do you only code in C++? Have you looked at other free engines like Unity3D (.NET) or Unreal (C++)? Ogre 3D is also a very popular engine for C++
  • I am using 3d rad , because it is simple to use , and requires little programing experience. It is also simple to use.
  • Hello again fellow gamers.

    I am posting , what I hope will be , the final version of Hungry Overlord. I have made as many adjustments as I could.

    The download is 79 mb .zip file.

    All comments and suggestions are welcome.

    Thank you for the feedback from everyone. I have learned alot.
  • I've made a second play through video.

    One thing I've noticed is that it seems impossible to hit the corncob?
  • Thanks for making another video of hungry overlord.

    Some of the objects being thrown around are not interactive . In the first two levels there are only three objects that can be hit. And in the third level there are about six or seven objects that can be hit.
  • There are levels? How long do you have to wait watching them eat before the next level starts? Is there any way to skip that?
  • Hi.

    There is dinner , breakfast then lunch.

    Each are divided by the eating scene. So dinner , eat , breakfast eat, and then lunch , eat. And then the game ends.

    You cant skip the eating scene. But the characters react differently depending on your score during the eating scene. Low score , they will not like it . High score , they will like the food.

    The lighting changes on each level, and the throwing tool changes as well. The character dialogue also changes on each level.

    Thanks for taking an interest in Hungry Overlord. I appreciate the feedback.
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