My First Game

edited in Projects
Been working on this game for a while in between school or when I feel like it. It's a fast paced space shooter (kind of like Space Impact for the old Nokias) and I just want to know your thoughts opinions and criticisms especially when it comes to the art style and design of the game.

Bugs to debug:
*None (yay!)

Things that need adding:
*Enemies have special attacks
*Add death animations
*Add more sound
*Better looking GUI
*More levels
*Proper weapon changing system for later levels

*Diagonal and/or "wasd" buttons are used to move
*Space to shoot

Download Link:
Thanked by 1Mitch93


  • Hi @Trian, welcome to the forum, and well done on making your first game!

    I'm going to assume that you have only recently started learning GameMaker, as the game has very basic mechanics. With that in mind, may I suggest the following additions, as implementing them will help you explore some of GameMaker's other functions.

    * When your bullets kill an enemy, add a value of 100 to the player's score and display the total score on screen.
    * When an enemy dies, spawn a little explosion or spark at its location (people love it when things explode).
    * Have the blitz gun be a powerup that the player collects, and it's only active for 10 seconds before it goes back to the default gun again.
    * When and enemy hits the player, have the player die and show a "Game Over" screen.
    * When the player reaches the end of the stage, show a "Stage Cleared" message on the screen so the player knows that they've won :)
    * If want to be really fancy, have a title screen for your game. It's really nice as a player to land on a title screen before the action starts.

    And if you need some help with your coding, ask away and we'll help wherever we can :D

    Good luck!
    Thanked by 2Elyaradine dammit
  • pieter said:
    Hi @Trian, welcome to the forum, and well done on making your first game!

    I'm going to assume that you have only recently started learning GameMaker, as the game has very basic mechanics. With that in mind, may I suggest the following additions, as implementing them will help you explore some of GameMaker's other functions.

    * When your bullets kill an enemy, add a value of 100 to the player's score and display the total score on screen.
    * When an enemy dies, spawn a little explosion or spark at its location (people love it when things explode).
    * Have the blitz gun be a powerup that the player collects, and it's only active for 10 seconds before it goes back to the default gun again.
    * When and enemy hits the player, have the player die and show a "Game Over" screen.
    * When the player reaches the end of the stage, show a "Stage Cleared" message on the screen so the player knows that they've won :)
    * If want to be really fancy, have a title screen for your game. It's really nice as a player to land on a title screen before the action starts.

    And if you need some help with your coding, ask away and we'll help wherever we can :D

    Good luck!
    I have some background with using GameMaker (from a sibling) just never used the coding function before and I'm trying to use it as much as possible for this project. I should be able to do most of this, this afternoon but I might just study instead :,(

  • edited
    Hey @pieter, forgot to upload my work before going on holiday. I had just arrived yesterday and decided to upload before school starts again.

    Controls are practically the same.

    *EDIT: Almost forgot the "Continue" and "Hints" options don't do anything at this stage.
    Thanked by 1pieter
  • edited
    Welcome to the forums! I gave your game a couple of plays and it's fairly solid, well done.

    I would recommend having more asteroids to avoid. In my first playthrough none appeared so I was surprised when one appeared in my next playthrough.

    You might get also get more feedback if you encourage people to look at your game by uploading screenshots and/or videos (see below). I can recommend LICEcap as a great and easy tool to use for capturing .GIFs

    Thanked by 2Psyinx pieter
  • This is probably my biggest update I've done, mainly because I haven't been working as hard on this for the past few months as I should have. Anyway here it is.


    *Added options window
    *Added Difficulty setting
    *Added sound
    *Updated Graphics
    *Made my code neater and took out all unnecessary bits

    Download Link:
    Space Shooter gif1 v1.0.5.gif
    1012 x 478 - 591K
  • @Trian Hey, things are coming along :)

    From here I think you can work on some gamefeel. JW from Vlambeer did a great talk on this called The Art of Screenshake. Some of the things he talks about are not directly relevant to your game, but the ones that stood out for me where:
    - Bigger bullets
    - Faster Player bullets
    - Screenshake (when enemies die for example)
    - Muzzle flash
    - Bigger explosions
    - Very basic sound

    A few of my own suggestions would be:
    - Slower, but more enemy bullets
    - A brief moment of invincibility when the player is hit (like halve a second), just so that a cluster of 4 enemy bullets can't kill you instantly.

    Also if you'd like some placeholder art, I posted a free shooter asset pack here on the forums. You can download it below:
    MGSA Shoot em Up Starter Pack
    Copy, paste and rotate to fit your game if you like :)
  • edited

    Thanks! I'll have a look at the video.

    I kept the bullets that size so that someone that's colour blind does not mistake the stars for bullets (Like my friend once did).
    I sped up the player bullets and I'll have a look at the rest of it some time in the future (have an IT project due on Monday).

    I'll also be sure to use some of your resources!
  • Nice work Trian!

    When I think back to when I first started making games I definitely didn't do anything of this calibre.
  • @pieter

    I looked at the video and I must say I'm pretty stunned at how many subtle things make a big difference.

    You might notice that I haven't added more sound and explosions. That's because I'm still compiling sound effects and I'm saving the explosions for later levels when you shoot at more 'mechanical' things.

    Other than that, I added some other neat things.

    *Better game feel
    *Health Bar
    *Clickable menus! :3
    *Enemies attack

    Download Link:
  • @Trian, good stuff. Glad to see that you're making progress. Like the new menu :)

    I just have a suggestion about the background. The closest layer of asteroids (the yellow rocks) are more or less the same size and move in the same direction as the enemy bullets. This got me hit quite a few times without me even realising it. Consider dropping that parallax layer, or making the enemy's bullets much bigger so they stand out from the scrolling background. At the moment it's hard to distinguish.
  • edited
    Hi @pieter, I've been having a lot of trouble with Game Maker Studio recently.
    All project files I work on do not compile. I've noticed on rare occasion it does compile after a while but does nothing other than that.
    This is what I get

    Compile started: 10:05:13 PM
    "C:\Users\Tiaan\AppData\Roaming\GameMaker-Studio\GMAssetCompiler.exe" /c /m=win  /config="Default" /tgt=64 /obob=True /obpp=False /obru=True /obes=False /i=4 /j=1 /cvm /tp=2048 /mv=1 /iv=0 /rv=0 /bv=1763 /gn="Space (beta)" /td="C:\Users\Tiaan\AppData\Local" /cd="C:\Users\Tiaan\Documents\GameMaker\Cache" /sh=True /dbgp="6502" /hip="" /hprt="51268" /o="C:\Users\Tiaan\AppData\Local\gm_ttt_69962\gm_ttt_86295" "G:\Space (beta).gmx\Space (beta)" 
    Reading project file....finished.
    Compile Constants...finished.
    Remove DnD...finished.
    Compile Scripts...finished.
    Compile Objects...finished.
    Compile Timelines...finished.
    Compile Triggers...finished.
    Compile Rooms...finished.
    Compile Extensions...finished.
    Global scripts...finished.
    Final Compile...finished.
    Saving IFF file... C:\Users\Tiaan\AppData\Local\gm_ttt_69962\gm_ttt_86295\Space (beta).win
    Writing Chunk... GEN8
    Writing Chunk... OPTN
    Writing Chunk... LANG
    Writing Chunk... EXTN
    Writing Chunk... SOND
    *writing audio file C:\Users\Tiaan\AppData\Local\gm_ttt_69962\gm_ttt_86295\snd_shoot.ogg...
    *writing audio file C:\Users\Tiaan\AppData\Local\gm_ttt_69962\gm_ttt_86295\snd_menu.ogg...
    *writing audio file C:\Users\Tiaan\AppData\Local\gm_ttt_69962\gm_ttt_86295\snd_space1.ogg...
    Writing Chunk... AGRP
    Writing Chunk... SPRT
    Writing Chunk... BGND
    Writing Chunk... PATH
    Writing Chunk... SCPT
    Writing Chunk... GLOB
    Writing Chunk... SHDR
    Writing Chunk... FONT
    Writing Chunk... TMLN
    Writing Chunk... OBJT
    Writing Chunk... ROOM
    Writing Chunk... DAFL
    Writing Chunk... TPAGE
    Writing Chunk... CODE
    Writing Chunk... VARI
    Writing Chunk... FUNC
    Writing Chunk... STRG
    Writing Chunk... TXTR
    0 Compressing texture... writing texture texture_0.png... 
    1 Compressing texture... writing texture texture_1.png... 
    Writing Chunk... AUDO
    Writing Chunk... SCPT
    Writing Chunk... DBGI
    Writing Chunk... INST
    Writing Chunk... LOCL
    Writing Chunk... STRG
    Stats : GMA : Elapsed=2036.1164
    Stats : GMA : sp=27,au=7,bk=7,pt=1,sc=3,sh=0,fo=3,tl=0,ob=32,ro=5,da=0,ex=0,ma=14,fm=0x48E80060
    Asset Compile finished: 10:05:17 PM
    executing C:\Users\Tiaan\AppData\Local\gm_ttt_69962\gm_ttt_86295\Space (beta).win
    "C:\Users\Tiaan\AppData\Roaming\GameMaker-Studio\Runner.exe"  -game "C:\Users\Tiaan\AppData\Local\gm_ttt_69962\gm_ttt_86295\Space (beta).win"
    *     YoYo Games Runner v1.0(999)[r32908]    *
    RunnerLoadGame: C:\Users\Tiaan\AppData\Local\gm_ttt_69962\gm_ttt_86295\Space (beta).win
    ####!!!!$$$$$$ pwd - C:\Users\Tiaan\AppData\Local\gm_ttt_69962\gm_ttt_86295\
    RunnerLoadGame() - C:\Users\Tiaan\AppData\Local\gm_ttt_69962\gm_ttt_86295\Space (beta).win
    Checking if INIFile C:\Users\Tiaan\AppData\Local\gm_ttt_69962\gm_ttt_86295/options.ini Exists
    C:\Users\Tiaan\AppData\Local\gm_ttt_69962\gm_ttt_86295/options.ini file contents: [Windows] CreateTexturesOnDemand=0 AlternateSyncMethod=0 VertexBufferMethod=2 SleepMargin=1 
    Process Chunk: SCPT   804
    Process Chunk: DBGI   12316
    Process Chunk: INST   4
    Process Chunk: LOCL   2076
    Process Chunk: STRG   38225
    Reading File C:\Users\Tiaan\AppData\Local\gm_ttt_69962\gm_ttt_86295\Space (beta).win
    Loaded File C:\Users\Tiaan\AppData\Local\gm_ttt_69962\gm_ttt_86295\Space (beta).win(734042)
    IFF wad found
    Get Resolution
    Get Header Information
    HighScore..SavePrePend = C:\Users\Tiaan\AppData\Local\Space__beta_\
    got 10 global variables
    got 40 instance variables
    got 3 local variables
    Create Window
    GAMEPAD: 40 axis values (last) at 0x1a0ff38
    GAMEPAD: 40 axis values (last) at 0x1975768
    GAMEPAD: 40 axis values (last) at 0x19758d8
    GAMEPAD: 40 axis values (last) at 0x19c81a0
    GAMEPAD: 40 axis values (last) at 0x19c8978
    GAMEPAD: 40 axis values (last) at 0x19c9150
    GAMEPAD: 40 axis values (last) at 0x19c9928
    GAMEPAD: 40 axis values (last) at 0x19ca100
    GAMEPAD: 4 axis values (last) at 0x196fb80
    GAMEPAD: 4 axis values (last) at 0x196fb60
    GAMEPAD: 4 axis values (last) at 0x196fb40
    GAMEPAD: 4 axis values (last) at 0x196fb20
    Init Graphics
    Enable DwmEnableMMCSS
    Create D3D9Ex interface
    Enumerate Adapters
    Switching to manual clears
    Selected Resolution: 1080x620
    Prepare to create device
    Creating D3D device - ARGB=32bit, D24S8, SwapEffect=Copy, Hardware vertex processing
    Creating screen render target
    Get Device Caps
    Graphics initialisation end...
    IO Init
    Process Messages
    Start Frame
    Part Create Textures
    Debug Init Remote Interface
    VM Init
    Create Score Form
    Create Load Form
    Create Error Form
    Do The Work
    initialise everything!
    Process Chunk: GEN8   152
    Process Chunk: OPTN   64
    Process Chunk: LANG   12
    Process Chunk: EXTN   4
    Process Chunk: SOND   284
    Process Chunk: AGRP   4
    Process Chunk: SPRT   116684
    Process Chunk: BGND   172
    Process Chunk: PATH   184
    Process Chunk: SCPT   40
    Process Chunk: GLOB   4
    Process Chunk: SHDR   4
    Process Chunk: FONT   6420
    Process Chunk: TMLN   4
    Process Chunk: OBJT   12516
    Process Chunk: ROOM   5264
    Process Chunk: DAFL   0
    Process Chunk: TPAG   3516
    Process Chunk: CODE   20596
    Process Chunk: VARI   3532
    Process Chunk: FUNC   2304
    Process Chunk: STRG   8792
    Process Chunk: TXTR   345940
    Process Chunk: AUDO   207350
    Preparing 32 objects:
    	Objects 0: obj_menu
    	Objects 1: obj_options
    	Objects 2: obj_difficult
    	Objects 3: obj_click
    	Objects 4: obj_jetman
    	Objects 5: obj_enemybullet
    	Objects 6: obj_enemybullet_spiral
    	Objects 7: obj_meteor
    	Objects 8: obj_boss
    	Objects 9: obj_rock
    	Objects 10: obj_score
    	Objects 11: obj_spawner
    	Objects 12: obj__
    	Objects 13: obj_gameover
    	Objects 14: obj_health
    	Objects 15: obj_lives
    	Objects 16: obj_win
    	Objects 17: obj_shakeplayer
    	Objects 18: obj_shakeenemy
    	Objects 19: obj_rocket
    	Objects 20: obj_bullet
    	Objects 21: obj_blitz_pup
    	Objects 22: obj_muzzleflash
    	Objects 23: obj_blood
    	Objects 24: obj_explosion
    	Objects 25: obj_blitz_stream
    	Objects 26: obj_roc
    	Objects 27: obj_star_stream
    	Objects 28: obj_SFX
    	Objects 29: obj_music
    	Objects 30: obj_move
    	Objects 31: obj_dashboard

    At first I thought that it was my antivirus (Avira), so I uninstalled it but to no avail
    I tried clearing cache
    I've checked my code
    I've tried reinstalling Game Maker Studio multiple times
    I've tried starting a new project with just a room

    I'm running v1.4.1763
    I really want to start working again so I would like to hear from you soon.


    I tried starting up previous versions, they either didn't start or started up but went unresponsive.
    Then tried starting up Undertale and the same thing happened...
    Seems like it's only Game Maker applications
  • Firstly, well done on providing such detailed debug information. It's a delight to help someone who has done the leg work and has put in the effort to try and resolve the problem themselves :)

    You've eliminated most all of the common issues, so let's follow the clues we have.

    1.) If you have another PC at home, or a friend has one to help you test, install GameMaker on that PC, load up your game and compile it to see if the same issue persists. Then we will know if the issue is isolated to your PC, or something else in general. (Go to "Export Project" in the File Menu to make your game nice and portable. Then just choose "Import Project" on a different machine.)

    2.) From the compile information, it looks like it may be a sound issue, so we can start by making sure the drivers for your audio device is up to date. A Google search for the model of your motherboard or sound card should get you the newest drivers.

    Question: Which version of Windows do you have running? I'm assuming it's 7 or up (GameMaker is not supported for Win Xp or lower).

    3.) Since it's affecting all GameMaker applications it might be that there's something missing or corrupt in Windows itself that GameMaker applications are expecting to find. So going through the process of reinstalling Windows might help resolve any of those issues if they exists. Just remember to backup everything :)

    Question: How old is the machine you're working on.

    4.) As machines approach the 6-8 year line things can become weird, with random components failing, but as a whole it still manages to stand. For instance, I had a faulty PC that would inject random magenta pixels into Photoshop while I drew.
  • edited
    Thank you for the response @pieter.

    1.) I've gone ahead and checked a new exported version of my game today. It works perfectly on other PCs so the problem is isolated to my laptop

    2.) Have to check that out

    3.) It suddenly stopped working the day after, so I'm not sure if anything is missing but if all else fails I'll give it a try.

    4.) The laptop that I'm using is about 8 years of age, so that's probably the main issue. I'm only in gr11 so that's all I have for now. Spent the past 2 years buying parts for a new PC and should have it up and running by the holidays.


    One more thing, I got Undertale running but the sound seems to lag so that should definitely be the problem.
    Thanked by 1pieter
  • @pieter

    Just installed the new sound driver and it's working like new.

    Thanks for the help!
    Thanked by 1pieter
  • edited
    So after having left this project for a couple months due to personal reasons. I finally picked it up and made a bit of progress.
    There are some aesthetics missing like explosions, proper graphics and whatnot, but I'll get to that at some stage. All the sound added was done by me.

    *Added a second level (with a poor transition)
    *Added an enemy
    *Replaced/Added some sounds
    *Redid menu
    *Adjusted resolution

    Download Link:


    Forgot to mention, I'm trying to make a particle effect in the menu that makes it look like you're drifting in space but every time I make the particle it stays even when I start the game. I would like to know how to get rid of it
  • Hey trian just played the game I must say you did a good job for your first game.
    The boss is just a white box on the screen written "jpeg boss" I'm not sure, is that what it is suppose to look like?
  • Ola, @Trian. Have to say, it's a pretty awesome start. Never used Game Maker Studio (Unity is my baby), but this game makes me want to check it out. All the best! Hopefully, though, YoYo Games made something easy to understand.
  • Jay said:
    Hey trian just played the game I must say you did a good job for your first game.
    The boss is just a white box on the screen written "jpeg boss" I'm not sure, is that what it is suppose to look like?
    All the assets I've used in this game were made by me and I couldn't come up with a design for the boss so I made a placeholder.
    FaraiV1 said:
    Ola, @Trian. Have to say, it's a pretty awesome start. Never used Game Maker Studio (Unity is my baby), but this game makes me want to check it out. All the best! Hopefully, though, YoYo Games made something easy to understand.
    Glad you guys like it!
  • Hi Trian,

    Well done on your first game! I really enjoyed the sound and music and how you're getting into attention to detail.

    Good job on also doing all the sprites yourself!

    What if each level you added more detail to the enemy and player sprites? Like started to shade them more and stuff like that. Could create a great sense of progress and incentive to get further. If you're looking for tutorials on making great pixel art then this channel has really helped me:

    Enjoy :)
  • edited

    Wow, thanks

    I'm always happy to see someone enjoy my work! I had a looked at some of the content and it looks really good. I'm working on a new project and will definitely implement something similar into it.

    Thanks again :D
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