Looking for a Mobile Developer - iOS and/or Android

Hi everyone,

We currently develop Mobile & Web Apps and want to start a gaming department.

We're a small company and fortunate to have some large clients but we're not coping with the work load, so we're looking for people who are developers who can help with our current projects but more importantly help us grow into the gaming industry.

Most urgently we need help with one of our iOS App's, it requires maintenance and upgrades.
We'd also like to port our app over to Android. This all depends on whoever is able to assist us and what experience they have.

Employment is flexible, we're open to outsourcing/freelancers or permanent employment whichever best suites us both.

We're located in Johannesburg & Cape Town.
Thanked by 1duffyduck


  • Hi @nickp, if you're interested in outsourcing (which seems to be a possible 2nd choice), then feel free to contact us (Clockwork Acorn). Our details and other potential companies you can outsource to are listed here.
  • Thanks @francoisvn will have a look, much appreciated.
  • Hey it's not listed in the original post so just wanted to ask, what is the name of your company ?
  • Can we ask what technology you're using for your current iOS apps? From your post I assume Obj-c (native), or perhaps HTML wrapper? Whilst I can't speak for everyone, it's likely you'll find Unity/Game Maker specialists here - so worth clarifying ;)

    Also what tech would you like use for future projects? Do you have a preference, or an existing toolchain you wish to stick to?
  • edited
    Hi @skinklizzard our company name is Emperio, we've developed Web apps for various clients/industries.
    & you right @TheFuntastic we prefer native - And we would prefer Unity developers for our venture into gaming too.
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