Looking for Members for Game Company (Phoenix)

Good Evening following developers well im Osiris and im looking for non experienced and experienced team developers/memebers ...The reason for undeveloped members is so we can grow as a team and reach our end goals together as a collective.. people who are young at heart, free-spirited and believe that the impossible is possible are welcome cause my Goal is to change the world ... I have a game project and not to be egotistical but i see it as a project that will: firstly will turn a indie game into a instant AAA game and will put South Africa on the map (forgive me im not too patriotic)..

I recently began to learn Java and i have minor knowledge in C++ and Lua..

About the game idea well im willing to know if you on board with the whole joining my team and future game company till the very end so if you up for it please do comment or tell me you ready and if i don't get back to you ,my email address is phoenix2jake@gmail.com..and i will send you the Game Design document

And also knowing more about me will follow

I will keep you posted with other unothrodox threads

Thank you for your time
Osiris (18)


  • A typical TGT scenario... AAA games are made by professionals, +200 each master of their own fields. Now the problem with TGT is the glaring disconnect between imagination and reality... Most Indies in this forum have an enormous experience in game development and better ideas than you have, but non have claimed their game to be a AAA... I have been prototyping many games for many years, read 100s of game programming books, have been in forums getting knowledge from the experts but I have no plans of making AAA. What I can tell you is to spend time learning first, you are still a baby so you have much time on your hands... And on the good side i'll say start small, be realistic, learn from people who have been doing it for years, and don't start with rpgs, aaa fps, mmos, and rts
  • @SkinnyBoy, it might be a good idea to be more encouraging. There's no need to call people babies, and I'm not sure anyone but you knows what "TGT" means.

    @OsirisPhoenix: Welcome :) I can understand your ambitions, but it's often hard to get reliable team members without posting some sort of prototype or playable concept that can get people excited and keen to help you make your game larger. Do you have anything playable at the moment?
  • @OsirisPhoenix I just want to say that the general advice is to not start off aiming too big. Focus on something smaller. However, scoping your project properly is a very difficult thing to do, and something you will only learn with practice. And learning of course entails making mistakes, so I see nothing wrong with trying to take on a big project yourself for the first game or 2 you try and make. You will either surprise us, or learn quickly why scoping your project (making it smaller) is essential and you will learn how to do it properly.

    But forget everything I said. The only thing I want you to take from this though is, don't be discouraged by failure. If you fail, start a new project and try again!
    Thanked by 1pieter
  • edited
    @OsirisPhoenix Ditto on keeping your first few projects small. What you could do is test one aspect of your big idea by making a smaller game. For example:

    * Networking - Write a little game where players run around in a little arena and can chat with each other. You'll learn tons about Client Server networking.
    * Minigames - Test one of the mechanics of your game by making a minigame that uses it.
    * New Tech - Want to use a fancy new shader in your game, test it out in a little prototype.

    These little games are the unsung heroes of bigger games, they lay the foundation for the great games you will build one day. Their importance can not be overstated :)

    Good luck, and hope to be playing some of your games soon!
  • dislekcia said:
    @SkinnyBoy, it might be a good idea to be more encouraging. There's no need to call people babies, and I'm not sure anyone but you knows what "TGT" means.

    @OsirisPhoenix: Welcome :) I can understand your ambitions, but it's often hard to get reliable team members without posting some sort of prototype or playable concept that can get people excited and keen to help you make your game larger. Do you have anything playable at the moment?
    TGT(teenage game tycoon). This happened a lot in pre smartphone era where main target was PC, and this left this TGT with empty folders on visual studio.
  • Sorry for the late reply but hey nothing yet i have been still designing still but i will get back to you guys when im more ready thanks again for the comments fellow game developers
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