[LD35] LapidemMortuis
heya I made a game about smacking rock people with swords. I just wanted to make a fighting game, I've found out it's difficulty level... it's very hard.
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Bugs enjoy being by stones.
Also thanks to @Mexicanopiumdog for epic sound and music!
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Bugs enjoy being by stones.
Also thanks to @Mexicanopiumdog for epic sound and music!
Thanked by 1Ross
For the color variance on the light coming from the fire sticks, it's merely a product of the bloom.
Otherwise if you want to learn more about this stuff, all I've done was copy things I saw unity were doing in their free project files. You can learn a lot of neat techniques by opening up their projects and digging around.
@dammit thank you, growing long hair is a process.
@Fengol yeah the SSAO is a neat component to get objects to feel "grounded", otherwise baking AO is another good alternative. If you have static fixed environment it's an easy process.
@Ross Thanks for the kind words, I'm happy, but disappointed in that I spend time in the wrong places. It would have been great if the mechanic was working bugless.
I like that the block key is also the key you use to run away. I can see people instinctively pressing this when they are about to be attacked and then be pleasantly surprised they blocked the attack. I don't mean this in a way like they forgot about the controls or didn't know A is block, more in the way of in the middle of frantic fighting they are panicking so they try to button mash. This could be extended to the W, S, and D keys as well. Meaning that you have even more combat possibilities.
The gameplay is way too slow imo. I think this game would be so cool if it was a faced paced fluent fighter. Having the possibility to jump would be cool.
I think you could have added more feedback in terms of the actual fight and some way of knowing how much health you and your enemy has left. Also blood splatter when you are hit (or in this case rock splatter) or even the vignette effect becoming very intense for 0.3 seconds or whatever.
Art wise : Amazing work.
Also like the sounds, well done @Mexicanopiumdog. I would balance them a bit so the atmospheric sounds (like the torch burning) aren't as loud, but I liked them nonetheless :)
Have to agree with @Kobusvdwalt9 that gameplay feels a bit slow. Not sure if I have any good suggestions that haven't been mentioned, but if I think of something I'll come back and add it.
Jolly well done on coming 8th on Mood(Jam)
I did a little more work on this afterwards, but have stopped since to finish up my comp G game before the next competition starts. I'm not sure that the weighted targeting is all that necessary, nor the 3rd person controller... alas they were interesting to make. Here's what that looks like:
It's even less fun than the compo version, if I can keep up the pace of failing fast, according to Extra Credits and the mantra of the 9000 I'm soon going to start making something fun.