Please vote for me
Hey everyone,
Please would you be so kind to vote for my package to be on a -40% sale next week.
The 5 packages that receive the most votes goes through.
So if you do vote, only cast one vote so that the gap between myself and competing packages get bigger, if you vote for others as well, it does not have the required effect.
Here is the actual product page with some cool web demos Tile A Dungeon - Sewer Kit

Thanks for your support of a South African Dev
Please would you be so kind to vote for my package to be on a -40% sale next week.
The 5 packages that receive the most votes goes through.
So if you do vote, only cast one vote so that the gap between myself and competing packages get bigger, if you vote for others as well, it does not have the required effect.
Here is the actual product page with some cool web demos Tile A Dungeon - Sewer Kit

Thanks for your support of a South African Dev
Any plans to bring this to Unreal?
Hit me up if you want me to take you through the steps.
Thanks for the support with regards to the voting.
I am looking at publishing on the Unreal Marketplace as well, but as quintond stated, bringing it into Unreal is not difficult
Lic agreement wise there is no limitation, I am 100% that many UE4 users purchase from the Unity AS and bring data across.
I personally give you permission with any 3DForge stuff.
If you want it in writing, just email me and I will respond.
Thanks again for all those that already voted. Those that have not, please do so.
Here is the link to my Publisher page with all my packages.
Check on the left, there a pile of cool webdemos that I have set up
My two Flagship packages are the Village Interiors Kit and the companion Village Exteriors Kit
EDIT: Here is a link: ... it is a little old but the basic concept is the same.
It is greatly appreciated :)
I have two FREE sample packages on the Unity Asset Store
The one a sample of the Village Interiors Kit and the other of the companion Village Exteriors Kit
Each these large kits are standalone and does not need the other.
Blacksmith (Village Exteriors Kit sample package)
Blacksmith's Forge (Village Interiors Kit sample package)
I also have something called BLUEPRINTS, that gives you 276 extra FREE buildings for the Village Exteriors Kit
If you happen to grab the two FREE sample packages, then getting the Thunder Hammer Forge BLUEPRINT file is cool, for it grabs the contents from both and merge them, to have a combo scene.
I am 100% sure that the votes from here helped to secure me a spot in the top 5.
That means from Monday to Friday coming, this package will be on a sale that will be aa HUGE -40% discount.
If you like it, come grab it at this much reduced price :)
Thanks again for the support
The Tile A Dungeon package is now on the Community SALE with a HUGE -40% discount
Tile A Dungeon - Sewer Kit!/content/12867
I have also placed the following two kits on a -33% SALE for the same time period ending Friday
Fantasy Treasure Loot Kit!/content/9440
Cave Adventure Kit!/content/8317