1000s of (legally) free books from Springer, including ones useful for game development.

edited in General
I just discovered Springer has made many of their (older ?) books free for download.

I know them as an academic publisher so did not expect much game development books, but included in their collections are books such as "The Game Maker's Apprentice", "Unity Pro Development with C#", a bunch from the "Beginning" series.


(Make sure the "Include Preview-Only content" is unticked. This simplistic search also brings up some game theory books)

Doing a few quick searches, here is some of the interesting ones I found:

Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games
Handbook of Digital Games and Entertainment Technologies (These last two are apparently continuously updated)
MMOs from the Inside Out
MMOs from the Outside In
Video Games and Storytelling
The First World War in Computer Games
Games and Gaming in Medieval Literature
Pedestrian Dynamics (A whole book on how people walk!)
Physics for Game Programmers
Game Development Tool Essentials
Real-Time Visual Effects for Game Programming
Why Games Are Good For Business (About gamification essentially)
The Tower of Hanoi – Myths and Maths
Credible Threats in Negotiations ( :--P )
Gaming Film: How Games Are Reshaping Contemporary Cinema

Of course, there are also plenty about more specific related topics (graphics, AI, physics, mathematics, phycology etc.)
Thanked by 2dammit SUGBOERIE


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