[Comp G] platformCaster [not entered]
I'm going to use this as a way of levelling up my makings. I'll be using construct.
Going to make a platformer where you create some of the platforms to navigate the space, with limited "ammo" to form platforms.
that's all I have so far. baby steps still.
Going to make a platformer where you create some of the platforms to navigate the space, with limited "ammo" to form platforms.
that's all I have so far. baby steps still.
Thanked by 1Squidcor
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/55956513/playable prototypes/platformCaster/01/index.html
Nice! :)
I just gave it a go and now I am wishing there was more to play! I really like the idea!
I was thinking it could be cool if you got different platform later on in the game. Like bouncy ones or sticky ones you can throw against walls a bit further away.
Just a thought! :)
Have an awesome day!
my thoughts were more along the line of improving height control and trying an alternative version where the platform/ammo is a bit mor analogous so you can create platforms of varying length
and maybe first, better felling controls, I'm not sure that having a strandard jump height feels good for this, or at least the height at which the pltform spawns and the jump feel at odds with each other. I don't like the way it feels like you can only create platforms while static, even though it's not true, and I think that has more to do with the control configuration atmo.
it really was just a case of thinking "how quickly can I convey what I need to for feedback". Even things like the "run" frame, right up until I selected the lower portion and moved it I thought I was going to be animating "feet" or a tread. When I moved it to convey a bit of leaning forward, I just went "oh hey, that works" and stopped. I think my total art time on this is about 11 minutes.
The trickiest thing in this version was solving how to display the bullets, I wasn't sure how to create a "if there are X number of bullets, show me x of these sprites out of a total, and do layout" or at least I couldn't think of it quickly enough for how quickly I wanted this out of my head last night. So instead i made 2 tiled sprite objects, one for the containers and one for the insides, and just used the variables to drive the widths, which feels super hacky to me, but I'm happy that I didn't get stuck trying to solve it "the way it should be"
Officially bowing out to make the task of judging a bit leaner <3