Hey guys. Game developerneeded for digital fitness platform needed

Digital start-up requires game developer to develop a game type interface for a digital fitness platform using cardio- vascular gym equipment.
The project is at a proto-type and testing phase, the successful candidate will be required to develop, help with testing and be available for bug fixes. Successful development will to further opportunities.


  • Hi and welcome to MGSA :)

    Some standard questions you're going to get asked:
    -What are your budget and timeline like?
    -Is this graphic design/art development work or programming or both?
    -Which system/platform skills are needed - is this a mobile or web thing, is it PC-based, are you using Unity or HTML5 or something else?
    Thanked by 2TheFuntastic pieter
  • Please also indicate if it is a paid position.
  • I am interested. please reply back with some details of the project. what platform is it targeting? What tools are required?
  • Hi guys. Thanks for the responses.

    - Yes its a paid position on a contractual basis.
    - It will be native to ios (ipad), in terms of systems and tools that hasn't been fixed it will be dependent on what solutions best suit the problem.... think more like F1 racing except instead of a console you have a stationary gym bike... does that help?
    - At this stage level of graphics aren't important, more important is the proof of concept (i.e. gamifying a c.v. workout) and allowing for user testing at a proto/ mockup stage,... for now....

    Hope that answers your questions.
  • and how could i reach you?
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