Looking to assemble a dev team for small project that can grow WAY bigger.

edited in General
Details will be discussed in PM or on Twitter DM - @RidingGlitch (Twitter preferable.)

This is not paid work as the game seems ideal as a free model, however this probably will change based on a few factors to be discussed.

Seeking :-
1 x Additional JavaScript Coder (Unity3D)
1 x 3D Model Artist and Rigger (Characters, Textures and some Maps)
1 x Graphic Designer (GUI/HUD, Logo, Menus, Textures)

If you have multiple talents please do share. I am a very open guy so ask me for any info or if you have any questions.

Must have:-
Email, Whatsapp and/or Twitter, Be friendly!

- Stan The Guy


  • Hello and welcome to MGSA :)

    Just a few quick notes, posts like these tend to be much more effective when they contain:
    -Information about the game project, everyone has ideas they think are great, if people have to go out of their way to find out if they like a thing or not, they're usually not going to bother.
    -A playable prototype. People join projects that they can play. A prototype signals your commitment as well as being a really great way to get feedback. Even screenshot mockups or animatics can help :)
    -Failing both of those, reputation can help. A history of producing interesting games or prototypes is very useful when convincing others to leave their own pet projects.

    Good luck!
  • dislekcia said:
    Hello and welcome to MGSA :)

    Just a few quick notes, posts like these tend to be much more effective when they contain:
    -Information about the game project, everyone has ideas they think are great, if people have to go out of their way to find out if they like a thing or not, they're usually not going to bother.
    -A playable prototype. People join projects that they can play. A prototype signals your commitment as well as being a really great way to get feedback. Even screenshot mockups or animatics can help :)
    -Failing both of those, reputation can help. A history of producing interesting games or prototypes is very useful when convincing others to leave their own pet projects.

    Good luck!
    Thanks for the feedback. I am working on the project at the moment. Shall post some screenies tomorrow or the next day as well as a playable prototype.

    With regards to what the project is, I am planning a multiplayer cartoon/parkour-influenced/fps with a focus on realism in a cartoon world (detailed recoil, gravity, physics) as well as nodding to the FPS genre.
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    Also thought it may be a good idea to share some of the concepts I have come up with:

    Toon FPS Multiplayer
    First Release: 
    LAN setup: 2-8 players (varying map sizes) (Only LAN)
    Modes: DM,TDM,CTF,etc
    Server: Private LAN
    Characters: SET + Possible Customization
    Maps: SET + Future Public Maps
    Weapons: SET + Future Public Weapons
    Future Ideas:
    Internet Gameplay: 2-32 players (IP,Steam,etc)
    Modes: DM,TDM,CTF,etc
    Servers: Public Servers, Private Locked Servers, Private LAN, Public LAN
    Characters: SET + Possible Customization + Purchaseable Additional
    Maps: SET + "DLC" Account Activated Accounts + Future Public Maps
    Weapons: SET + "DLC" Account Activated Accounts + Future Public Weapons
    Map Ideas:
    Italian (Homeage to cs_italy)
    SkyPlains (Floating islands with teleporters, platforms etc)
    Tower (Skyscraper, close quarters combat)
    Warehouse (Close quarters combat)
    MountainTop (Replica of TableMountain in South Africa) //Potential Problems Legally
    Boulders (Replica of Boulders Beach South Africa) //Like above
    Winter (Snowy map)
    Blocks (Homeage to Minecraft)
    7Seas (Pirate Ship, Close quarters)
    Maze95 (Homeage to the maze game from OpenGL Windows 95)
    Bridge (TEAMS on opposite sides)
    Mode Ideas:
    DM - Deathmatch 
    TDM - Team Deathmatch
    CTF - Capture The Flag
    HOS - Hostage
    ES - Escort?
    AS - Solo Assassination missions
    SM - Solo Missions
    ST - Stealth
    TAG - A game of tag (one player has a gun, others have nothing)
    Co-op Modes (May need own maps):
    ZOM - Zombie Survival
    DEF - Defend a base
    MN - Missions
    COV - Covert Ops?

    As always, feel free to ask me any questions you may have.
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    What is the first part you plan on tackling on this list?

    I mean, this looks like a pretty enormous goal, even just the "First Release" looks to me like an enormous goal. This is a far bigger goal than I would set myself when starting a project.

    Can this goal be broken down to something smaller, as an initial test, something you can do to prove the concept to potential collaborators and get them excited?
  • What is the first part you plan on tackling on this list?

    I mean, this looks like a pretty enormous goal, even just the "First Release" looks to me like an enormous goal. This is a far bigger goal than I would set myself when starting a project.

    Can this goal be broken down to something smaller, as an initial test, something you can do to prove the concept to potential collaborators and get them excited?

    Yes I am currently scraping my pre-prototype due to imported assets from the AS causing havoc from the start and will be re-coding the first bit.

    The "First Release" refers to V1.0
    So to start, a basic FPS is built (currently working on that front) with a development map, then Multiplayer aspects is introduced, this would be Alpha 0.0.1 or similar. Then work on elements such as characters, maps and items can be introduced, as well as keeping code working and sorting any potential bugs out. Toon shaders can be implemented from Alpha 0.0.4 if needed as it's something more simple to assign materials to objects than getting a basic FPS framework out.

    I must also state that even though this is a small project, it won't "go quickly" by any means, hence seeking a team to ensure speed and quality is sought after.
  • So to break down an ideal release plan from my head:

    Alpha 0.0.1:
    Basic FPS movement and development map created.
    UNET networking implemented for dev-testing.

    Alpha 0.0.2:
    "player" model created instead of a ball or cube as player.
    bug fixes if needed.
    work on aspect of physics and ensuring it translates over the network.

    Alpha 0.0.3:
    "Game mode" - set a simple scoring system to run on host/client. (Deathmatch)
    Create a timer
    bug fixes if needed

    Alpha 0.0.4
    Toon shading
    expand on "game mode"

    and so on.
  • image

    Dev level coming along
  • it's awesome to have something visual to associate with the project. I suspect you're underestimating how much information you're not conveying, if it's a room( not even sure of that) why is the geometry so complex? What are the black shapes?

    As someone who might be keen to help out, you're not showing enough to actually gain my interest. Talking about your idea and showing me a version I can play are worlds apart in this situation. A good video is somewhere in between.
    Thanked by 1StanTheGuy
  • @StanTheGuy I think what @EvanGreenwood is suggesting is not that you plan the different development aspect and break them down ... which of course is also a necessary step. But rather to break your game down into smaller bits. First make the most important "core" bits, and get that fun. If the core bits are not fun, then the game will inevitably not be fun.

    All of us here go through dud games which are not fun, and its always good to be able to abandon those early on and start with something fun, than be overconfident that the game WILL be fun, and find out that its not after developing non-essential bits for half a year to a year.

    Don't take this as me suggesting your game does not sound fun, I'm merely saying that I too have thought of things that have sounded fun on paper, but in practice it fails. And there's no way to be sure how it will turn out until you are done. So building a much smaller prototype first goes a long way to help you with this.

    For instance, archive the many map ideas, pick the your favourite and start with that. It's obviously a good idea to not inhibit your creativity, and you can write it down somewhere if you have a ton of other cool map ideas. But you need a clear plan for now, more than you need a clear plan for later.

    I do like that you have game-play listed as your alpha 0.0.3. The scoring system is the first hint of a game (in my opinion), so doing that so early on is a good move in the right direction.
    Thanked by 1StanTheGuy
  • damousey said:
    it's awesome to have something visual to associate with the project. I suspect you're underestimating how much information you're not conveying, if it's a room( not even sure of that) why is the geometry so complex? What are the black shapes?

    As someone who might be keen to help out, you're not showing enough to actually gain my interest. Talking about your idea and showing me a version I can play are worlds apart in this situation. A good video is somewhere in between.
    Thanks @damousey, Yeah i'm a lil confused as to how much info people are wanting to see, however this is why I am completely open to questions.

    The black shapes are placeholder "power ups", like ammo and health. Just to give the room a bit of a feel. The room is a bit larger than portrayed in the screenshot and possibly a video may help.

    This map will only serve as a test field for the project, and won't be an actual part of the game.
    The geometry is a little over the top as it was a quick prototype built with ProBuilder, while still juggling a mother-in-law behind my back, so I did miss a few details I would normally neaten up.
  • Denzil said:
    @StanTheGuy I think what @EvanGreenwood is suggesting is not that you plan the different development aspect and break them down ... which of course is also a necessary step. But rather to break your game down into smaller bits. First make the most important "core" bits, and get that fun. If the core bits are not fun, then the game will inevitably not be fun.

    All of us here go through dud games which are not fun, and its always good to be able to abandon those early on and start with something fun, than be overconfident that the game WILL be fun, and find out that its not after developing non-essential bits for half a year to a year.

    Don't take this as me suggesting your game does not sound fun, I'm merely saying that I too have thought of things that have sounded fun on paper, but in practice it fails. And there's no way to be sure how it will turn out until you are done. So building a much smaller prototype first goes a long way to help you with this.

    For instance, archive the many map ideas, pick the your favourite and start with that. It's obviously a good idea to not inhibit your creativity, and you can write it down somewhere if you have a ton of other cool map ideas. But you need a clear plan for now, more than you need a clear plan for later.

    I do like that you have game-play listed as your alpha 0.0.3. The scoring system is the first hint of a game (in my opinion), so doing that so early on is a good move in the right direction.
    I am battling to get myself to envision a small prototype other than "an FPS with a cartoon feel".
    I agree that one map at a time makes sense and that the detailing doesn't need to happen until much later, however the core elements is simply run and gun. If I can get a simple "cartoon" environment and a FPS controller with a functioning weapon (pistol even), would that be a step in the right direction?
  • edited
    Make something that works, that's the basic gist of it :)

    It can sound REALLY easy, but you'll realise how hard that easy is when you actually starting working on the gameplay, the feel. That's the real essence of what will attract people to help with your game.

    What won't attract people to your project:
    - promise of graphics,
    - level maps
    - cool ideas
    - promise of a big project
    - promise of revenue share

    What might attract people to your project:
    - a WORKING core concept (forget graphics. Blocks and circles can work)
    - a working core concept that FEELS good (something that feels good doesn't have to look like COD. Again, forget graphics)
    - gameplay video (again, forget graphics) or gifs or something.
    - payment :P

    And the best way to get this is by making 50 things. Many of them will suck. One might be good. You won't know until you make them. Ideas don't mean very much. Everyone here have upwards of 50 ideas that they think will be awesome :)
    Thanked by 2roguecode StanTheGuy
  • Okay so I should put this on the backburner for a lil while and make a few things to better my rep?
  • edited
    I am battling to get myself to envision a small prototype other than "an FPS with a cartoon feel".
    I agree that one map at a time makes sense and that the detailing doesn't need to happen until much later, however the core elements is simply run and gun. If I can get a simple "cartoon" environment and a FPS controller with a functioning weapon (pistol even), would that be a step in the right direction?
    So the consideration that can tell you the size of that core idea is something that comes with experience making things. It also differs for different people because their individual skills and the way they translate ideas into gameplay can be vastly different amounts of work. An FPS with a cartoon feel can be pretty much anything, it's up to you to define that down and down and down into something that a day's worth of work can be a useful amount on.

    There are two angles of attack there: Get really ruthless with defining the bare minimum of the game you want to test out, or get really productive so that you can produce more complex things faster. Both of those take a lot of work and a lot of failing to finish things so that you can learn from those experiences.

    It might be a good idea as well to throw away the word "simple" when you're talking about game ideas ;) None of the things you've called simple actually are. Yes, someone might be able to make something that does what you've talked about relatively quickly, but that's not because they're simple, that's because that person is scarily good! Teams can spend months tweaking movement in an action game to get the feel of it just right, then spend months more reproducing that feel reliably over a network... "Simple" generally means that the problem isn't understood and so it's invisible, which is scary.
    Okay so I should put this on the backburner for a lil while and make a few things to better my rep?
    Maybe. Maybe not... If you find yourself doing lots of work that doesn't result in anything that can be played, then yeah, stopping in order to work on something that's more immediate with its feedback is probably a good idea. If you're able to have something you feel you can play relatively quickly, even if it's the most sarcastic interpretation of your idea ever, then that's worth making - even if all it achieves is give you a feeling for why the default FPS controller is a little annoying ;)

    That's why people are saying that big level designs and feature lists don't convince people to join a team: They're not actually moving towards a completed game. If you can take that level you've got into Unity and have a capsule running around in it before the end of the weekend, then cool. Try that.

    But the thing you definitely need to put on the backburner is the idea that a first project like this is going to be massively successful, massively polished and massively staffed. Rather just make stuff because it'll be fun to try to make it :)
    Thanked by 2Tuism StanTheGuy
  • Okay so I should put this on the backburner for a lil while and make a few things to better my rep?
    You say this because you think "this idea is the one", because you're attached to the idea of this idea being the one game that will definitely be successful.

    That thinking is detrimental to your own creative process. If you think you MUST make that, then make it. Go ahead. If you can't make it by yourself (or at least get the gameplay core down, and that has nothing to do with having a big team, it has to do with game design and prototyping) then it really doesn't matter how good your idea is, no matter what.

    So make stuff. Not because you *know* it'll be successful. (Because 99.9% of people making their first thing is unsuccessful. Don't fool yourself into thinking "I AM NEO I AM THE ONE") But make stuff because you're looking for success - and that success will be something that you discover through doing and making stuff WORK, not something that you have an idea in your head of. Because there is infinitely more to a successful game than what you can see in your head. You cannot simulate everything in your head. You cannot simulate player reaction, how people you don't know from a bar of soap might react/behave/enjoy something or not. And that something is a huge collection of variables. Simply too big for anyone to truly comprehend on their own.

    So just make stuff, and as a one-man show, make small stuff. Tiny things. Otherwise you'll not get anywhere and then be disappointed at what's actually the normal path of learning which you need to walk.
    Thanked by 2dislekcia StanTheGuy
  • Thanks guy, I think what I shall do is pause this idea, and reassess how I plan and create ideas.

    My thinking for simple was just a comparison towards more well known brands.

    I will still make this project, it will just be later on in time.
  • I did get as far as the FPS controller. Will be posting a video for interest sake later.
    But here are the screenies:

  • I have posted a video on YouTube.

    Shows what I have so far, and I think I must at least try to continue this project and see how far I can get.
    Thanked by 2EvanGreenwood pieter
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    That's a rad start!

    I like to approach games incrementally, like it looks like you're doing now. Start by making what I think is the start of the thing, and then add something to make it better, and then add another thing and add another thing.

    This usually means that I don't end up making the game I intended to make before I began, but each step of the way the game keeps getting better (if I know what I'm doing). The last game I released ("Broforce") didn't start with a plan to make the game we eventually made, but instead it got there through incremental improvements (at various points we did have plans, but we only stuck to them if it turned out that we'd guessed correctly what would be the next best thing to implement, which wasn't often). Well, not all of the increments were necessarily improvements, but it seems likely most of them were.

    "Seeing how far I get" is how I start projects. I think it's a good attitude to have, so long as you keep seeking out feedback (like you have been doing), so that you can keep reality checking whether you're on a good path.
    Thanked by 2StanTheGuy Tuism
  • I hope you keep going, and experiment with a bunch of things to see where they take you.

    I find difficulty in seeing what your idea in the previous posts is supposed to be that other games don't already offer, with teams far bigger/better/more experienced, but I think as you fiddle around and try a bunch of different things, you'll eventually stumble on something really cool and different (even if it's not at all what you were setting out to make).
    Thanked by 1StanTheGuy
  • @EvanGreenwood @Elyaradine Thanks! I think keeping the "plan" saved in My Documents for future reference is a good idea and I focus on getting those core elements that would be expected first.

    I haven't made a game since primary school so I guess I am running on that kinda logic to start, this forum's feedback certainly helped a TON! <3
  • Added Network/Multiplayer support (buggy but it connects)

    Thanked by 1EvanGreenwood
  • Hey all,

    So I have a question, Is there a place where I can post and update a changelog? (So it is viewable by people to give feedback)?
  • Yup, you can create a thread here.
    Thanked by 1StanTheGuy
  • @StanTheGuy: a good approach to take is to have a separate thread per project (it seems like this thread could work, but perhaps there's reason to split it into a new thread). When you make a new build, update the first post with a link to the new build and a changelog (if relevant). If you're looking for a place to host your builds, check out http://itch.io for a popular hosting solution :)
    Thanked by 1StanTheGuy
  • I think I will use itch.io when "fun" has been added :p
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