Question: Unity CheckDisallowAllocation. Allocatingmemory when is not allowed to allocate memory.

Greetings all. It seems like it has been over a year (I think it's closer too 2, meh) since I last posted here. =P
I have a question. (obvs)

When I'm trying to access my camera rig, it throws this error:

I have no idea how to fix this (and yes I first googled for 2 hours before posting this question, so unless I was looking under the wrong rocks...)
Some extra info (in case it might help), I'm using Vuforia (AR scripts and stuffs) to build a prototype board/pc game thingy. I've used this before (last year global game jam, Beast Brawl) and never had this problem. I even recreated the project a few times (the equivalent of turning it off and on again).

Any suggestions/help would be greatly appreciated.
Also, this is the correct category...right?


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