[Prototype] Life is random?

edited in Projects

I am working on a game called Life is random?, it's a top down, diverging paths game inspired by Roy from rick and morty, metaphysics and Hotline Miami.

Here's the current build:
Goal: get the highest score possible (disclaimer: this build still has allot of nothing and loose ends)

In Metaphysics it's believed that you determine what you attract in life and seeing as that works with drawing cards on apps with me, I thought I would give it a go in game design.

W and mouse to move.
Left click to punch when your fists are out.
Spacebar to hail a cab at posts.
Q or E to chat with club members. The idea is to guess what color they are going to speak in (Q- aqua E-pink) and try to match it (each has a preferred color).
Left click barmen to order a drink.

You start out stranded on the side of a road waiting for a lift, you will start drinking if your only lift doesn't show up.

Track source.


  • edited
    Hey @Bernard.

    I played your prototype about four times, read the instructions carefully, and then played another 3 times, and unfortunately I'm utterly clueless as to what I should be doing.

    I got into a fight, took a ride home, slept, got a job, showed up, got fired, got paid regardless, went home, repeat.
    Chatted to a girl on the first screen, started getting drunk for some reason (no bar in sight) and passed out, and the screen just stayed black.
    Once while I was sleeping I just started clicking to pass the time, and I started drinking and getting drunk.
    I never managed to go to a club. Have absolutely no idea how to get to one.
    Also wall collisions were really buggy.

    Now I am fully aware that prototypes will always have their share of bugs. The problem here however, was because I wasn't really sure what to do or what my goals where, I couldn't really tell whether something was a creative choice or a legitimate bug. This made it really tough for me to give you any constructive feedback, as I'm not sure what it is you are trying to achieve.

    I might just be a narrow minded old fart not capable if seeing the hidden brilliance of your game. But if I don't see it, there might be other people that miss it as well.
    Thanked by 1Bernard
  • Sounds like a true life simulator..! :P

    This sounds like the life I was living back in 2002... :)

    @pieter - I know you were trying to be constructive - but your game experience made me LOL.
    Thanked by 1Bernard
  • @pieter thank you for your very fair feedback!
    I released in a limited time frame so there were a few details I still wanted to mention when I posted but ran out of time:

    1-I am still looking for a good replacement for collisions with walls.
    2-The purpose is to get the highest score possible, how is entirely up to chance andor/and choice.
    3-There are still loose ends that still need to be tied up (such as: passing out, what happens next when you end up in jail or when you get fired).
    4-The meaning of each location and what it leads to is planned out and begins next.
    5-The purpose of this build is to demonstrate the diverging paths gameplay currently only really seen in the first location. From it you can end up a bum, get arrested, go directly home, get into the club (if you meet a women before getting in the blue car) or get drunk because your stranded on the side of the road and your ride isn't showing up or left without you (and you apparently have booze on you). All of which is determined by a mixture of chance (circumstances) and choice.

    @UberGeoff the drivers in this game are maniacs but they used to be much worse, a car would enter the pub and murder everyone inside and I did not code that on purpose.

    Thanked by 1pieter
  • @Bernard - Whaaa ha ha..! Brilliant... ghosts in the code...!
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