Freelance advice

Hello all I just wanted to get some advice from anyone who has done freelance work or is doing it. I don't know if this topic has been said before.
But I'm thinking of starting a freelance career but don't really know where to start. I know the programmers need to be bought but I don't really have the money form them so I was thinking of maybe getting a loan
If anyone has any advice for me it will be so helpful


  • Hey Tumi,

    You are going to have to post a lot more info on what it is you are doing and want to do.

  • @Tumi,

    It sounds like you are either trying to start a freelance career in game development, or are trying to put together a team to start a studio? It would be helpful if you could elaborate/clarify a little. There is a lot of people on here that can help with either of these queries(and many more)but, like @bischonator was suggesting, it's difficult to help in any way when we don't really know what you are asking.
  • Sorry for the lack of info. I know this site is more for game design but I'm actually looking for work and expriences with both animation and game design. I'm working now to build a demo reel using Zbrush,Maya, 3ds Max, Substances, Vray, RenderMan, Quixel, UE4, Photoshop.
    Except for the UE4 you will see all these programmers cost a lot place all together even the non commercial ones.
    I have been looking for positions in company's but mostly they are asking for more graphic design work which i never studied.
  • Animation will not require a programmer. As a person who has hired many, many animators and artists over the past decade - I would say stick to Max and Maya and Vray and polish up your portfolio.

    Why do you need a programmer?

  • Thanx for the advice I will do that and see if I can find some work in the mean time. Sorry I should of looked over my post before I sent it. I meant programs like Zbrush the program.
  • Do you mean software price, as in purchasing the software?
  • Check out Maya LT on Steam: - R 390 only. It is a cut down version of Maya to learn from. Max has a student version, but you would need to be a student - you can give touchvision a call- and ask them. The last copy of Max I purchased was 55,000 - Vray is about R 17,000 per license.
  • You could also go the free route and check out Blender -
  • Thanx all this info will help me a lot
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