[LD-ish] GrOw
This game was started during the Ludum Dare, but I wanted a very specific feel from it, so I decided to rather work on it a bit more before uploading it.
GrOw is inspired by the mechanics of Go, and the visual aesthetic of Flower. I wanted to convey that same peaceful feeling where you sometimes just stop playing and stare at the screen.
Grow is a two player game where you take turns placing a seedling in the ground.
At the start of your turn, all seedlings will blossom into small flowers, and all small flowers will mature into big flowers.
Once a flower matures, it will spread seedling in all the directions as indicated by the arrows of the tile it's placed on.
Seedlings cannot spread or be placed on tiles already occupied.
When the gird is full, the player with the most flowers wins.
Programming and Design - Pieter Visser
Music and Sound Design - @Mexicanopiumdog
Graphics - @Jelligeth
Special Thanks to @francoisvn for helping to make the mechanic fun and interesting,
and @EvenGreenwood for providing the radest venue possible :)
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GrOw is inspired by the mechanics of Go, and the visual aesthetic of Flower. I wanted to convey that same peaceful feeling where you sometimes just stop playing and stare at the screen.
Grow is a two player game where you take turns placing a seedling in the ground.
At the start of your turn, all seedlings will blossom into small flowers, and all small flowers will mature into big flowers.
Once a flower matures, it will spread seedling in all the directions as indicated by the arrows of the tile it's placed on.
Seedlings cannot spread or be placed on tiles already occupied.
When the gird is full, the player with the most flowers wins.
Programming and Design - Pieter Visser
Music and Sound Design - @Mexicanopiumdog
Graphics - @Jelligeth
Special Thanks to @francoisvn for helping to make the mechanic fun and interesting,
and @EvenGreenwood for providing the radest venue possible :)
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It's a charming project, I don't consider myself a feel expert but I got a very positive impression from playing the game and the polish in this time frame is great. It's quite mechanically satisfying, too. I originally thought that the decision space was rather limited but I see how the arrows add a degree of complexity.
I think a decent addition could be a vision radius, which would add an element of discovery to the puzzle and keep decision-making fresh and measured throughout rather than providing an overwhelming field of options to discern at beginning -> less interesting decisions towards the end of a play session.
Cool prototype!