[RELEASE] Dude Dancer

Hi guys!

I finally managed to find the time to release my 3rd mobile game, Dude Dancer :)

iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/app/dude-dancer/id995987744
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.guineapixel.dudedancer

Made With Unity : http://madewith.unity.com/games/dude-dancer
Page : http://guinea-pixel.com/app/dude-dancer/

If you guys really want to help me out, please check it out and let me know what you think. (with a good rating and share LOL)
Thanked by 2critic roguecode


  • This looks pretty catchy (unfortunately I can't try it out).
    So just a comment on the trailer - I thought it was pretty well done, and made me want to play the game, but then it just suddenly ends. You need a call to action for a few seconds at the end mentioning iOS and Android.
  • @roguecode - thank you! Why can't you try it out?

    I will definitely add the CTAs now :)
  • Downloaded and gave it a try. So, the music isn't affected by whether I'm hitting the notes or not, and the dude dancing is also not affected by the music. This is fine for a free game, but definitely wouldn't pay for anything in-game.
  • @dammit - Thanks for giving it a try. I went through all those kind of features...

    On note missed : lowered music volume, played VO and upset crowd effects - this resulted in a very negative experience. So I removed feature by feature for OnNoteMissed and ended up not having any negative experience...the aim should be happy, playable and the user should be able to listen to the music.

    On note hit : Instead of altering music or added tons of SFX, I add Visual effects as you build up the Multiplier, and positive VOs.

    The dancing dude will hit on beat as the music is playing (varies between songs), will change move sets as you hit better Multipliers.

    The aim of the game was not to get a negative experience, broken music with a lot of SFX covering the music.. I tried to get it as positive, happy and fun as possible.
  • All the best rhythm games have some kind of negative feedback on missing notes. Usually, there're two layers of music, the base beats and the players' "performance", when the player misses, the performance clunks out but the base beat remains. The positive feedback comes from building combos - a string of successful hits pulls up a number and when the number hit certain thresholds more encouragement comes in the form of applause and other effects.

    I don't think every other rhythm game that has been successful suffers from "negative play experience" - they are after all successful games, and as such should be learnt from.

    Some of my favourites:
    Deemo (mobile)
    Melody Muncher (the previous ludum dare) http://ludumdare.com/compo/2015/09/07/melody-muncher-post-compo-version-woo/
    Of course DDR and Guitar Hero etc.

    Have a look at them and study how they do their systems. I think it will help.
    Thanked by 1Mexicanopiumdog
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