Game Content Creation Tutorials
Hello All
I started a YouTube channel in August relating specifically to game content creation using GIMP, Blender and Unreal Engine 4. My main goal is to create content without the use of expensive programs or anything that would cost money. I also take a very basic approach and try to time-lapse no videos for now. A few months down the line my Channel is growing and I feel I am ready to start expanding while I work on my own video game.
YouTube channel can be found here: Cryonetic Studios
These tutorials are mainly related to Unreal Engine 4 but I have found anything I create imports into Unity easily enough(there are some Unity tutorials on the way) Since starting the Channel purchased a better Microphone so the first tutorials are a bit rough but they are getting better and better.
I recently got my hands on a Nikon Camera which I will be using for texture creation photos. Content will eventually be shared on our website as well but for now keeping things simple. I am also open to taking requests on the channel if someone needs a tutorial.
Lastly I am planning on finishing a Character Creation tutorial this weekend as I have been uploading the videos for that playlist erratically I am planning on just finishing the whole thing this weekend.
I hope my videos will help any interested in game development.
Thank you
I started a YouTube channel in August relating specifically to game content creation using GIMP, Blender and Unreal Engine 4. My main goal is to create content without the use of expensive programs or anything that would cost money. I also take a very basic approach and try to time-lapse no videos for now. A few months down the line my Channel is growing and I feel I am ready to start expanding while I work on my own video game.
YouTube channel can be found here: Cryonetic Studios
These tutorials are mainly related to Unreal Engine 4 but I have found anything I create imports into Unity easily enough(there are some Unity tutorials on the way) Since starting the Channel purchased a better Microphone so the first tutorials are a bit rough but they are getting better and better.
I recently got my hands on a Nikon Camera which I will be using for texture creation photos. Content will eventually be shared on our website as well but for now keeping things simple. I am also open to taking requests on the channel if someone needs a tutorial.
Lastly I am planning on finishing a Character Creation tutorial this weekend as I have been uploading the videos for that playlist erratically I am planning on just finishing the whole thing this weekend.
I hope my videos will help any interested in game development.
Thank you
In preparation for LUDUM DARE I want to create a content pack. Mostly going to be general items. Examples are: Traffic cone, sidewalk, concrete barrier and a wooden crate to name a few. I will make these items available before LUDUM DARE so that anyone on Makegamessa can use them.
On another note I am open to any suggestions about what to create. Remember to keep it fairly simple as I have a week to create some items. You can PM me or just post on this topic and I will respond. I am looking for at least 5 additional items.