[Project] Afghanistan '11

edited in Projects
As some of you may already know, RetroEpic and Every.Single.Soldier have teamed up to create the sequel to the Vietnam '65 game: Afghanistan '11. Naturally, this is something we're super excited about, as we're building the whole game from the ground up.


A quick sum up of the title:
Afghanistan '11 has been designed to be much more than just a re-skinning of the Vietnam '65 game. Major changes include 3D terrain elevation, complete overhaul of the supply mechanic and the inclusion of a 24 battle campaign mode.

While, as with Vietnam '65, winning the hearts and minds of the local people is a core aspect of the game, Afghanistan '11 expands the conflict to include the concept of Nation Building: The US Military has to equip and train the Afghan National Army in preparation for its ultimate withdrawal from the country. In addition, the US also needs to ensure there is suitable infrastructure to ensure a sustainable Afghanistan post withdrawal.
We've also started sharing some developer diaries. This is our first attempt at writing these kinds of posts, so please give us feedback and let us know if they're interesting/useful etc.



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