Super Regency Deluxe - Our tribute to RTS - WIP


  • Looking great, would you mind sharing the source for that volumetric light you found?
  • critic said:
    Looking great, would you mind sharing the source for that volumetric light you found?

    It's fairly well optimised, too.
    Thanked by 1critic
  • edited
    OK, UI is the next hurdle to tackle. As the core gameplay starts to come together, we need to get some good quality UX.

    I took some of the critique of my previous style and have started work on a more naturalistic approach:


    The bottom window holds your cards and displays info about the selected castle. The idea is for it to look like the edge of a board game (hence the ivory/wood pattern).

    Thoughts are appreciated.
  • There is not much to go on, but the wood look seems to blend in very nicely with the environment. The only thing I would change is the plain white text that you are using, it looks a bit plastic on top of the wood. You could make it appear chiseled or something like that, just adding a shadow might do the trick. And if you are striving for perfection, maybe add a bump/normal map to the wood.
  • edited
    I took some of your suggestions - it looks better. I'll probably keep the text white on the castle select camera, as it needs to stand out more than the timer and pause menu buttons:

    Thanked by 1critic
  • A new logo to go with the new style of semi-realistic UI we're using:

  • edited
    Just a little bit of an update:

    Life is very busy at the moment! Studenting and developing and watching black mirror at the same time is a complicated process. I have exams right now and am juggling the two responsibilities.

    Sam is busy coding the game's core structure. It's taking a while because of the multiplayer component and the fact that the map can be changed on the fly. Troops need to be able to change their pathfinding dynamically, which is work intensive.

    In the meanwhile I've been honing my 3D skills as much as possible. I've settled on what is the final style for the full game (I promise!) We've been chopping and changing a bit over the past year as I have learned how to properly model/texture/compose environments and characters.

    Here's early work on what is to be the final final final tileset used in our Greenlight application:


    We are working our asses off to get the demo ready. I know we've kept pushing things forward all year, but life is demanding. this project is still very much ongoing. Here's to a release soon! Once the Greenlight page is up, we'll be shamelessly whoring ourselves here at MakeGamesSA for your precious votes. Stay tuned.
  • Sorry for being this guy but when do we get to play? :D
  • raithza said:
    Sorry for being this guy but when do we get to play? :D
    As soon as this tileset is done and Sam integrates the code. Soon :)
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    Some more tileset work:

    Thanked by 1VladimirM
  • Well done guys! This looks really exciting! Keep up the Awesome work!
    Thanked by 2jackshiels SamShiels
  • Thanks!

    The castle style WIP. There are some minor decorative features to add still:

  • Special FX! The orb uses real time distortion and the lightning literally grows out from the point of origin using cutout shaders.

  • Looks nice, could you upload a gif?
    Thanked by 1jackshiels
  • Art's looking great!

    I'm nervous about your thinking about a publisher and sales and stuff without having shown us any game play yet. :/
    Thanked by 2jackshiels Fengol
  • edited
    Art's looking great!

    I'm nervous about your thinking about a publisher and sales and stuff without having shown us any game play yet. :/
    The gameplay is working, it's just that right now it looks awfully shoddy because the assets haven't been implemented fully yet. I'm going through the final art iterations, so I need a week or two more to begin that process. Patience ;)
    critic said:
    Looks nice, could you upload a gif?
    Once Sam codes it to move the correct distortion/shader coordinates, I'll do so.
  • The barracks:

    Thanked by 1critic
  • The revised UI, to be filled with the minimap and character view on the left and right sides respectively.

    Today we start full integration of the map generator and gameplay. It's finally coming together :)

  • We've put together a pre-alpha gameplay video for those interested in the mechanics.

    Completely WIP and not including all final features (we have some big ones in the works).

    Thanked by 1pieter
  • It seems kind of like Zone Control, the Starcraft/Warcraft custom map (or one of its hundreds of variants)?

    (I'm just guessing. It's hard to tell when there's so little gameplay footage. :P)
  • This is looking beautiiful - I love the depth of field effects
    Thanked by 1jackshiels
  • edited
    typhvs said:
    This is looking beautiiful - I love the depth of field effects
    It seems kind of like Zone Control, the Starcraft/Warcraft custom map (or one of its hundreds of variants)?

    (I'm just guessing. It's hard to tell when there's so little gameplay footage. :P)
    Not quite - it's just a little more restricted than traditional RTS's to allow for simpler movement. The grid is a bit denser...
    Thanked by 1Elyaradine
  • Looking good. Hopefully it's finished by this year and hits the market. What are the target platforms?
  • joshken said:
    Looking good. Hopefully it's finished by this year and hits the market. What are the target platforms?
    Vive VR first, then if all goes to plan PC/Mac/Linux later on.

  • Vive VR first, then if all goes to plan PC/Mac/Linux later on.
    Prioritizing a platform that has an absence of content is a great strategy. Good luck.
    Thanked by 1jackshiels
  • joshken said:

    Vive VR first, then if all goes to plan PC/Mac/Linux later on.
    Prioritizing a platform that has an absence of content is a great strategy. Good luck.
    I'm gonna post some video of the VR build up here soon...
    Thanked by 1joshken
  • Hey guys!

    We've been integrating Vive support into the game. Here's a little video of how it works:

    Thanked by 3typhvs Sash raithza
  • image

    The pike troops. I upgraded their general fidelity a bit!
    Thanked by 2critic raithza
  • edited
    Soldier animations!


    A longer gif here:
  • And it's here!

    We were super lucky to be gifted a Vive from Valve. I requested they send us one, and, after seeing our gameplay video they said yes!

  • Some environment work for the desert theme:

    Thanked by 1Elyaradine
  • And a little bit of progress on the Iberian palette...

    Thanked by 1Elyaradine
  • Maybe you should reduce that light/HDR/bloom saturation a little, it's a bit overwhelming, feels like the light is drowning the scene.
  • critic said:
    Maybe you should reduce that light/HDR/bloom saturation a little, it's a bit overwhelming, feels like the light is drowning the scene.
    It's actually just for conceptual purposes. Actual in-game isn't that bright :)
  • edited
    ...And one more egregiously self-indulgent beauty shot of the full palette before integration begins ;)

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