Chris and I decided to make a game in a week. After our last mammoth project
we thought we could do something quick and easy and maybe learn something along the way.
We really enjoyed Five Nights at Freddy's - it has a very unique game design that hasn't been done before and
we started with that as a template.
Ironically, we haven't tried 3D in Unity yet and we didn't want to tackle that beast yet, so we opted for a fake
3D setup using Unity. We are using a rendered cube map (6 sided cube...) that is then set as a skybox. The camera just pans around a skybox. So all graphics are flat pre rendered but also realtime and can be 'glitched' in realtime as well.
Chris spent about 4 days on the graphics and then another 2 days doing the characters. I spent a day on the prototype and then 8 days refining it to what it is now. So we exceeded a week but real life work did get in the way a bit..
The game is essentially complete, there is far more we could/can add but we had to draw the line somewhere.
Download here:
Play with with headphones in a dark room!
Nic & Chris

we thought we could do something quick and easy and maybe learn something along the way.
We really enjoyed Five Nights at Freddy's - it has a very unique game design that hasn't been done before and
we started with that as a template.
Ironically, we haven't tried 3D in Unity yet and we didn't want to tackle that beast yet, so we opted for a fake
3D setup using Unity. We are using a rendered cube map (6 sided cube...) that is then set as a skybox. The camera just pans around a skybox. So all graphics are flat pre rendered but also realtime and can be 'glitched' in realtime as well.
Chris spent about 4 days on the graphics and then another 2 days doing the characters. I spent a day on the prototype and then 8 days refining it to what it is now. So we exceeded a week but real life work did get in the way a bit..
The game is essentially complete, there is far more we could/can add but we had to draw the line somewhere.
Download here:
Play with with headphones in a dark room!
Nic & Chris