Where to do app development course

I need to give the company feedback on what course I want to do the next year. I currently develop games in Unity and want to find out is there anywhere that I can do a course on application mobile development maybe in Unity or something else.


  • There are lot of books on game development. I already read more than 300. Be careful as most of them hard to read from as this authors dont know how to explain things in English. You really dont want to read a book that reads like an internet blog... You need a book that will explain every detail even smaller parts...

    The authour I recommend is rex van der spuy. I bought my 15 year old brother one of his html5 books and he was able to finish it without my help. So u might waste a lot of money entering a course that will never make u achieve what you want to achieve. Or you can learn from this amazing books. Even more I recommend is is buying eBooks. The last eBook I bought cost me $8 ...
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