Formation- Another Abstract strategy

edited in Projects
the name is a WIP.
I've been enjoying fiddling with abstract strategy games lately.
I gave it a shot with Sprint!, it was going well and I haven't scrapped the project yet, but it is shelved.
I found it was unfun and deadlock prone. While I think of a way to fix those issues I've made a new abstract strategy.

Formation V 0.0.3: Download below


To win the game, get one of your pieces onto one of your opponents coloured zones(on the edge of the screen).
Player 1 - Red.
Player 2 - Blue.

How To Play:
Each player takes turns moving one piece at a time.
To pick up a piece, left click and hold that piece, release when you want to place it.
Pieces can only be placed horizontally/vertically adjacent to other pieces of your colour.
Pieces must be placed on a space that doesnt contain another piece.
if a piece is placed next to any opposing pieces, remove that piece and any adjacent opposing pieces from the board.
....That's it!

Theme ideas:
-Cells, evolution, white T-cells, etc.
-Supply chain in war, frontlines, ambush,etc.
-Opposing colonies of ants, termites, etc.
-exploration, clash of culture, ancient times, etc.

- Release prototype.
- Fixed bug where placement that is correct wasn't being allowed.
-Changed board to make it impossible to completely block one side.
-added Taking pieces to the game.

As before please comment with any useful feedback.


  • I only played against myself, but found that it was very hard to make up any ground. Encounters seemed to just descend into who can throw the most troops at each other. I couldn't see any early and mid game strategies that would drastically alter the outcome.

    It only really became interesting when there were only a few pieces left and you had to choose where to defend, but even then it felt as though many games could end in a stalemate. I believe this is because any piece can be moved anywhere on the table (as long as the destination is adjacent to a friendly), so strategic placing of pieces in the early and mid game don't really have a significant effect.

    I would suggest adding some other movement constraint as well so you can't reinforce with pieces from the other side of the board.
  • Hmmm, maybe removing pieces shouldn't be allowed and instead I'll have it so that pieces can't be removed, as before.

    In terms of the movement constraint , I like the idea of having to keep an eye on all parts of the board.
    I'll fiddle around with some ideas I have floating around and see if any fit.

    Thanks for the feedback:)
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